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Anti-Asian biases in federal grant reviews: Commentary on Yip et al. (2021).
American Psychologist ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-16 , DOI: 10.1037/amp0001337
Tiffany Yip 1 , Kyle Lorenzo 1 , Jiwoon Bae 1 , Gordon Nagayama Hall 2 , Charissa S L Cheah 3 , Lisa Kiang 4 , David Takeuchi 5 , Vivian Tseng 6

Prior to the 2021 American Psychologist special issue "Rendered Invisible: Are Asian Americans a Model or a Marginalized Minority?" (Yip et al., 2021), only seven articles on Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) populations were published in the journal in 3 decades. The special issue interrogated sources of invisibility and marginalization of AANHPIs not only in the field of psychology but also in the broader national landscape. The current commentary provides a deeper dive into one of the primary drivers of AANHPI invisibility, anti-Asian biases encountered during the federal grant review process, which contributes to low funding rates and insufficient research on AANHPI communities. Despite comprising over 6% of the U.S. population, less than 1% of the National Institutes of Health's funding portfolio supports science on AANHPI populations. This qualitative study revealed thematic barriers encountered during National Institutes of Health grant reviews. A one-time survey was circulated to professional scientific networks to obtain open-ended responses regarding applicants' and reviewers' experiences proposing research with AANHPI samples, resulting in data from N = 16 respondents. Respondents were asked to indicate their role in the review process (e.g., investigator, applicant, reviewer, other) and to provide open-ended responses detailing experiences of bias. Thematic coding revealed six principal themes: (1) invalidation, (2) limited reviewer knowledge, (3) oppression Olympics, (4) White comparison groups, (5) model minority myth, and (6) homogeneity of AANHPI groups. Building off these themes, this commentary concludes with five actionable policy and institutional recommendations aimed at achieving a more inclusive national research enterprise for AANHPI investigators and communities. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).


联邦拨款审查中的反亚裔偏见:叶等人的评论。 (2021)。

2021年《美国心理学家》特刊《隐形:亚裔美国人是典范还是边缘化少数族裔?》之前(Yip 等,2021),3 年来该杂志仅发表了 7 篇关于亚裔美国人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民 (AANHPI) 人群的文章。该特刊不仅在心理学领域而且在更广泛的国家景观中质疑了 AANHPI 的不可见性和边缘化根源。当前的评论更深入地探讨了 AANHPI 隐形的主要驱动因素之一,即联邦拨款审查过程中遇到的反亚裔偏见,这导致了资助率低和对 AANHPI 社区的研究不足。尽管占美国人口的 6% 以上,但美国国立卫生研究院的资金组合中只有不到 1% 支持 AANHPI 人群的科学研究。这项定性研究揭示了美国国立卫生研究院拨款审查期间遇到的主题障碍。向专业科学网络分发了一项一次性调查,以获得有关申请人和审稿人提议使用 AANHPI 样本进行研究的经验的开放式答复,从而获得了来自 N = 16 名受访者的数据。受访者被要求表明他们在审查过程中的角色(例如调查员、申请人、审查员等),并提供开放式答复,详细说明偏见经历。主题编码揭示了六个主要主题:(1)无效,(2)审稿人知识有限,(3)压迫奥运会,(4)白人比较群体,(5​​)模范少数族裔神话,以及(6)AANHPI群体的同质性。 基于这些主题,本评论最后提出了五项可行的政策和机构建议,旨在为 AANHPI 调查人员和社区实现更具包容性的国家研究事业。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。