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Identifying the Most Cited Articles and Authors in Educational Psychology Journals from 1988 to 2023
Educational Psychology Review ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10648-024-09938-2
Waseem Hassan , Amedee Marchand Martella , Daniel H. Robinson

Over the past 30 years, several reviews have examined scholarly contributions of individual researchers and institutions in the field of educational psychology (Fong et al., Educational Psychology Review 34:2379–2403, 2022; Greenbaum et al., Educational Psychology Review 28:215–223, 2016; Hsieh et al., Contemporary Educational Psychology 29:333–343, 2004; Jones et al., Contemporary Educational Psychology 35:11–16, 2010; Smith et al., Contemporary Educational Psychology 23:173–181, 1998; Smith et al., Contemporary Educational Psychology 28:422–430, 2003). However, no reviews have specifically examined scholarly impact as measured by citations since (Walberg, Current Contents 22:5–14, 1990) did so over 34 years ago. The present review focused on the period from 1988 to 2023, identifying the most cited articles and authors since Walberg's study that focused on the period from 1966–1988. Whereas most of the previous reviews have been limited in terms of brief time periods (e.g., six years) and a small set of journals (e.g., five), our scope included 12 educational psychology journals across 36 years. The most cited article (over 9000 times) by (Ryan and Deci, Contemporary Educational Psychology 25:54–67, 2000) had more than twice as many citations as the second most cited article by (Pintrich and Groot, Journal of Educational Psychology 82:33–40, 1990). Most of the top 30 most cited articles, including four of the top five, addressed the topic of motivation. With regard to highly cited authors, the top five were John Sweller, Richard E. Mayer, Fred Paas, Richard M. Ryan, and Reinhard Pekrun. Several of the 30 most cited authors have never appeared in previous lists of most productive authors. Finally, keyword and cluster analyses revealed most popular topics and collaborative networks among many of the most cited authors that may partly explain their productivity. Examining article and author impact is an important complement to productivity when considering scholarly contributions to the field of educational psychology.


确定 1988 年至 2023 年教育心理学期刊中被引用最多的文章和作者

在过去的 30 年里,一些评论审查了教育心理学领域个体研究人员和机构的学术贡献(Fong 等人,教育心理学评论 34:2379–2403, 2022;Greenbaum 等人,教育心理学评论 28: 215-223,2016;Hsieh 等,当代教育心理学 29:333-343,2004;Jones 等,当代教育心理学 35:11-16,2010;Smith 等,当代教育心理学 23:173- 181,1998;史密斯等人,《当代教育心理学》28:422-430,2003)。然而,自 34 多年前(Walberg,Current Contents 22:5-14,1990)以来,还没有任何评论专门考察过以引用来衡量的学术影响力。本综述重点关注 1988 年至 2023 年期间,确定了自 Walberg 研究重点关注 1966 年至 1988 年期间以来被引用最多的文章和作者。尽管之前的大多数评论都局限于较短的时间段(例如六年)和一小部分期刊(例如五本),但我们的范围包括 36 年中的 12 种教育心理学期刊。引用次数最多的文章(Ryan 和 Deci,Contemporary Educational Psychology 25:54–67, 2000)的引用次数是第二多文章(Pintrich 和 Groot,Journal of Educational Psychology 82)的两倍多:33-40,1990)。被引用次数最多的前 30 篇文章中的大多数(包括前 5 篇文章中的 4 篇)都讨论了动机主题。在高被引作者方面,排名前五位的是 John Sweller、Richard E. Mayer、Fred Paas、Richard M. Ryan 和 Reinhard Pekrun。被引用次数最多的 30 位作者中有几位从未出现在之前的最高产作者名单中。 最后,关键词和聚类分析揭示了许多被引用最多的作者中最流行的主题和协作网络,这可能部分解释了他们的生产力。在考虑对教育心理学领域的学术贡献时,检查文章和作者的影响是对生产力的重要补充。
