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Effective realization of abatement measures can reduce HFC-23 emissions
Nature ( IF 50.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-21 , DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07833-y
Dominique Rust 1, 2, 3 , Martin K Vollmer 1 , Stephan Henne 1 , Arnoud Frumau 4 , Pim van den Bulk 4 , Arjan Hensen 4 , Kieran M Stanley 3 , Renato Zenobi 2 , Lukas Emmenegger 1 , Stefan Reimann 1

HFC-23 is a potent greenhouse gas, predominantly emitted as an undesired by-product during the synthesis and processing of HCFC-22 (ref. 1). Previously, the Clean Development Mechanism and national efforts called for the implementation of abatement technology for reducing HFC-23 emissions2,3. Nevertheless, between 2015 and 2019, a divergence was found between the global emissions derived from atmospheric observations and those expected from reported abatement1,2. Primarily, this points to insufficient implementation of abatement strategies2,4, calling for independent verification of the emissions at the individual chemical facility level. Here we use regional atmospheric observations and a new, deliberately released tracer to quantify the HFC-23 emissions from an HCFC-22 and fluoropolymer production facility, which is equipped with waste gas destruction technology. We find that our inferred HFC-23/HCFC-22 emission factor of 0.19% (0.13–0.24%) broadly fits within the emission factor considered practicable for abatement projects5,6. Extrapolation to global HCFC-22 production underscores that the operation of appropriate destruction technology has the potential to reduce global HFC-23 emissions by at least 84% (69–100%) (14 (12–16) Gg yr−1). This reduction is equivalent to 17% CO2 emissions from aviation in 2019 (ref. 7). We also demonstrate co-destruction of PFC-318, another by-product and greenhouse gas. Our findings show the importance of the 2016 Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, which obligates parties to destroy HFC-23 emissions from facilities manufacturing hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons “to the extent practicable” from 2020 onwards8.



HFC-23 是一种强效温室气体,主要在 HCFC-22 的合成和加工过程中作为不需要的副产品排放(参考文献1 )。此前,清洁发展机制和国家努力呼吁实施减排技术以减少 HFC-23 排放2,3 。然而,2015 年至 2019 年间,大气观测得出的全球排放量与报告的减排量预期之间存在差异1,2 。这主要表明减排策略实施不充分2,4 ,需要对单个化学设施层面的排放进行独立核查。在这里,我们使用区域大气观测和一种新的、故意释放的示踪剂来量化 HCFC-22 和含氟聚合物生产设施的 HFC-23 排放量,该设施配备了废气销毁技术。我们发现,我们推断的 HFC-23/HCFC-22 排放因子 0.19% (0.13–0.24%) 大致符合减排项目认为可行的排放因子5,6 。外推全球 HCFC-22 生产强调,采用适当的销毁技术有可能将全球 HFC-23 排放量减少至少 84% (69–100%) (14 (12–16) Gg yr -1 )。这一减少量相当于 2019 年航空业 CO 2排放量减少 17%(参考文献7 )。我们还演示了另一种副产品和温室气体 PFC-318 的共同销毁。 我们的研究结果显示了 2016 年《蒙特利尔议定书》基加利修正案的重要性,该修正案要求缔约方从 2020 年起“在可行的范围内”销毁氢氯氟碳化合物和氢氟碳化合物生产设施的 HFC-23 排放8
