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FDA launches health care at home initiative to drive equity in digital medical care
npj Digital Medicine ( IF 12.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-21 , DOI: 10.1038/s41746-024-01198-2
Stefanie Brückner 1 , Celia Brightwell 2 , Stephen Gilbert 1

A highly ambitious FDA initiative will explore, through a hub and ideas lab, how equitable healthcare at home can be delivered, recognizing that this is unlikely to come about without intervention. Market forces, as shaped by current regulations, are leading to digital health tools developed and operating in islands rather than enabling integrated digital care. Can the initiative, which adopts system-level regulatory thinking, solve this issue?


FDA 启动家庭医疗保健计划,以推动数字医疗保健的公平性

FDA 的一项雄心勃勃的举措将通过中心和创意实验室探索如何提供公平的家庭医疗保健,并认识到如果没有干预,这不可能实现。由现行法规决定的市场力量正在导致数字医疗工具在岛屿上开发和运行,而不是实现综合数字护理。 《倡议》采用制度层面的监管思维能否解决这个问题?