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Tracking Advanced Planetary Systems (TAPAS) with HARPS-N
Astronomy & Astrophysics ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-20 , DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202451084
G. Maciejewski , A. Niedzielski , K. Gozdziewski , A. Wolszczan , E. Villaver , M. Fernandez , M. Adamow , J. Sierzputowska

Aims. The star HD 118203, classified as a K0 subgiant, was known to harbour a transiting hot Jupiter planet on a 6.1-day eccentric orbit. Previous studies also revealed a linear trend in the radial velocity (RV) domain, indicative of a companion on a wide orbit. Such a hierarchical orbital architecture could be helpful in studies of the origins of hot Jupiters.Methods. We acquired precise RV measurements over 17 yr using the 9.2 m Hobby-Eberly Telescope and the 3.6 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. Combining these observations with space-born photometric time series from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, we constructed a two-planetary model for the system. Astrometric observations from HIPPARCOS and Gaia were used to constrain the orbital inclination of the wide-orbit companion and its mass. Numerical simulations were used to investigate the dynamics of the system. The photometric data were searched for additional transit-like flux drops.Results. We found that the additional companion is an 11-Jupiter mass planet orbiting HD 118203 on a 14-yr moderately eccentric orbit, constituting a hierarchical planetary system with the hot Jupiter. Both planets were found to be dynamically decoupled mainly due to the general relativistic apsidal precession of the inner planet, marginalising secular interactions. The orbits of both planets might have a relatively low mutual inclination unless the longitudes of the ascending node differ substantially. This configuration favours the coplanar high-eccentricity migration as a path to the present-day orbital configuration. No other transiting planets with radii down to 2 Earth radii and orbital periods less than 100 days were found in the system.


使用 HARPS-N 跟踪先进行星系统 (TAPAS)

目标。 HD 118203 恒星被归类为 K0 亚巨星,已知其在 6.1 天的偏心轨道上拥有一颗凌日的热木星行星。先前的研究还揭示了径向速度(RV)域的线性趋势,表明伴星在宽轨道上。这种分层轨道结构可能有助于研究热木星的起源。方法。我们使用 9.2 m 霍比-埃伯利望远镜和 3.6 m 国家伽利略望远镜在 17 年的时间里获得了精确的 RV 测量结果。将这些观测结果与凌日系外行星勘测卫星的太空光度时间序列相结合,我们为该系统构建了一个两行星模型。依帕科斯和盖亚的天体测量观测被用来限制宽轨道伴星的轨道倾角及其质量。数值模拟用于研究系统的动力学。搜索光度数据以寻找额外的类凌日通量下降。结果。我们发现这颗额外的伴星是一颗质量为11木星的行星,以14年的中偏心轨道围绕HD 118203运行,与热木星构成了一个分级行星系统。人们发现这两颗行星在动态上脱钩,主要是由于内行星的广义相对论近轴进动,从而边缘化了长期相互作用。除非升交点的经度相差很大,否则两颗行星的轨道可能具有相对较低的相互倾角。这种配置有利于共面高偏心率迁移作为当今轨道配置的路径。该系统中没有发现其他半径小于地球半径2倍且轨道周期小于100天的凌日行星。