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Robust r-process Nucleosynthesis beyond Lanthanides in the Common Envelop Jet Supernovae
The Astrophysical Journal ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-20 , DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad5f8e
Shilun Jin , Noam Soker

The common envelop jet supernovae (CEJSNe) r-process scenario has been proposed as an r-process nucleosynthesis site in the past decade. Jets launched by a neutron star that spirals in inside the core of a red supergiant star in a common envelope evolution supply the proper conditions for forming elements heavier than iron through the rapid neutron-capture process. The present work initially unveils the r-process abundance patterns that result from the density profile in the relatively long-lived jets. The results indicate that the expansion profile unique to the CEJSN scenario can produce the largest ratio of the third r-process peak elements to lanthanides among current r-process scenarios and, in addition, can form quite an amount of lanthanides, about 1% of matters above the first peak, in a single event. The comparison of the ratio of the third-peak elements to the lanthanides with several observed r-enhanced metal-poor stars and with other r-process scenarios suggests that a high mass of third-peak elements is anticorrelated with a high fraction of lanthanides, both in observations and theory. The CEJSN-like scenario plays a significant role in this conclusion since it reproduces the observational features of some particular r-enhanced metal-poor stars where other r-process scenarios encounter problems. Due to the formation of extremely heavy elements, the CEJSN also offers a credible estimation of the age of the most actinide-boosted star by cosmochronometry.



在过去的十年中,共同包络喷流超新星(CEJSNe)r过程场景已被提议作为r过程核合成场所。中子星发射的喷流在红超巨星的核心内部以共同的包层演化方式盘旋,为通过快速中子捕获过程形成比铁重的元素提供了适当的条件。目前的工作最初揭示了由相对寿命较长的喷流的密度分布产生的 r 过程丰度模式。结果表明,CEJSN场景特有的膨胀剖面可以产生当前r过程场景中最大比例的第三r过程峰元素与镧系元素的比例,此外,可以形成相当数量的镧系元素,约为1%。在单个事件中,事情高于第一个峰值。将第三峰元素与镧系元素的比例与几个观测到的 r 增强贫金属恒星以及其他 r 过程情景进行比较表明,大量的第三峰元素与高比例的稀土元素是反相关的,无论是在观察还是理论上。类似 CEJSN 的场景在这个结论中发挥了重要作用,因为它再现了一些特定的 r 增强贫金属恒星的观测特征,而其他 r 过程场景遇到了问题。由于极重元素的形成,CEJSN 还通过宇宙测时法对锕系元素增强最多的恒星的年龄进行了可靠的估计。