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Cultural humility and racial microaggressions in cross-racial clinical supervision: A moderated mediation model.
Journal of Counseling Psychology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-06 , DOI: 10.1037/cou0000732
Melanie M Wilcox 1 , Aisha Farra 2 , Stephanie Winkeljohn Black 3 , Elinita Pollard 1 , Joanna M Drinane 4 , Karen W Tao 4 , Cirleen DeBlaere 5 , Joshua N Hook 6 , Don E Davis 5 , C Edward Watkins 6 , Jesse Owen 7

Cultural humility is important in supervision; however, studies have primarily sampled White supervisees. Racially and ethnically minoritized trainees experience microaggressions during their training, yet cross-racial supervision is less often studied. We examined a moderated mediation model to test whether the supervisory working alliance mediated the relationship between frequency of racial microaggressions and satisfaction with supervision, and whether the impact of racial microaggressions on the supervisee and supervisor cultural humility moderated the relationship between racial microaggression frequency and the supervisory working alliance. In a sample of supervisees of color (N = 102; majority cisgender women, 86.2%, and heterosexual, 59.8%; 35.3% Black/African American, 28.4% Asian/Pacific Islander, 18.6% Hispanic/Latine) receiving clinical supervision from White supervisors, we found that racial microaggression frequency was negatively associated with satisfaction with supervision, and this relationship was fully accounted for by the supervisory working alliance. Racial microaggressions in supervision were found to be detrimental to the supervisory working alliance, which was then related to lower satisfaction with supervision. Further, racial microaggression impact and cultural humility moderated the relationship between racial microaggression frequency and the supervisory working alliance; this relationship was strongest when racial microaggression impact was high and cultural humility was average or high. The social bond hypothesis suggests we are more likely to allow ourselves to be vulnerable when we assess cultural humility to be high. We posit that the observed moderation effect may be due to supervisees experiencing greater shock when experiencing racial microaggressions from supervisors whom they perceived to be culturally humble. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



文化谦逊在监督中很重要;然而,研究主要以白人监管者为样本。种族和民族少数的受训者在训练期间会经历微侵犯,但跨种族监督的研究却很少。我们研究了一个有调节的中介模型,以测试监督工作联盟是否调节了种族微侵犯频率与监督满意度之间的关系,以及种族微侵犯对被监督者和监督者文化谦逊的影响是否调节了种族微侵犯频率与监督满意度之间的关系。工作联盟。在接受白人临床监督的有色人种受监督者样本中(N = 102;大多数顺性别女性,86.2%,异性恋,59.8%;35.3% 黑人/非裔美国人,28.4% 亚裔/太平洋岛民,18.6% 西班牙裔/拉丁裔)就主管而言,我们发现种族微侵犯频率与对监管的满意度呈负相关,并且这种关系完全被监管工作联盟所解释。研究发现,监督中的种族微侵犯不利于监督工作联盟,这与监督满意度较低有关。此外,种族微侵犯的影响和文化谦逊调节了种族微侵犯频率与监督工作联盟之间的关系;当种族微侵犯影响较大且文化谦逊程度处于中等或较高水平时,这种关系最强。社会纽带假说表明,当我们认为文化谦逊程度很高时,我们更有可能让自己变得脆弱。 我们假设,观察到的调节效应可能是由于被督导者在经历他们认为文化上谦逊的督导员的种族微侵犯时经历了更大的震惊。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。