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Responding to the Health Needs of Newly Arrived Families Within Fractured Policy Environments.
Pediatric Annals ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-01 , DOI: 10.3928/19382359-20240306-07
Fiona S. Danaher , Aura M. Obando , Juliana E. Morris , Hannah Biskind , Rashmi Jasrasaria , Rahel Bosson , Matthew G. Gartland , Amir M. Mohareb

The increase in forcibly displaced populations seeking refuge in the United States has been met with fragmented, chaotic, and highly politicized responses to the detriment of migrants and receiving communities alike. Migrants encounter compounding systemic barriers to accessing basic resettlement resources. Expanding on pandemic-era innovations can strengthen social safety net infrastructure as a whole. Pediatricians are a potential early touchpoint for newly arrived families, providing an opportunity to support their specific health needs, refer to critical safety net services, and advocate for improved systems and policies. [Pediatr Ann. 2024;53(5):e161-e166.].



前往美国寻求庇护的被迫流离失所者人数不断增加,但美国却采取了支离破碎、混乱且高度政治化的应对措施,这对移民和接收社区都造成了损害。移民在获得基本安置资源方面遇到了复杂的系统性障碍。扩大大流行时代的创新可以加强整个社会安全网基础设施。儿科医生是新来家庭的潜在早期接触点,提供了支持他们特定健康需求、参考关键安全网服务并倡导改进系统和政策的机会。 [小儿安。 2024;53(5):e161-e166。]。