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A Hazard-Based Framework for Identifying Safer Alternatives to Classes of Chemicals: A Case Study on Phthalates in Consumer Products.
Environmental Health Perspectives ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-29 , DOI: 10.1289/ehp13549
Marissa N Smith 1 , Sascha Stump 1 , Saskia K van Bergen 1 , Holly G Davies 2 , Elinor Fanning 2 , Rae Eaton 1 , Craig C Manahan 1 , Amber Sergent 1 , Ken Zarker 1

BACKGROUND Humans are exposed to hazardous chemicals found in consumer products. In 2019, the Pollution Prevention for Healthy People and Puget Sound Act was passed in Washington State. This law is meant to reduce hazardous chemicals in consumer products and protect human health and the environment. The law directs the Washington State Department of Ecology to assess chemicals and chemical classes found in products, determine whether there are safer alternatives, and make regulatory determinations. OBJECTIVES To implement the law, the Department of Ecology developed a hazard-based framework for identifying safer alternatives to classes of chemicals. METHODS We developed a hazard-based framework, termed the "Criteria for Safer," to set a transparent bar for determining whether new chemical alternatives are safer than existing classes of chemicals. Our "Criteria for Safer" is a framework that builds on existing hazard assessment methodologies and published approaches for assessing chemicals and chemical classes. DISCUSSION We describe implementation of our criteria using a case study on the phthalates chemical class in two categories of consumer products: vinyl flooring and fragrances used in personal care and beauty products. Additional context and considerations that guided our decision-making process are also discussed, as well as benefits and limitations of our approach. This paper gives insight into our development and implementation of a hazard-based framework to address classes of chemicals in consumer products and will aid others working to build and employ similar approaches. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP13549.



背景技术人类暴露于消费品中发现的危险化学品。 2019年,华盛顿州通过了《健康人民和普吉特海湾污染预防法案》。该法旨在减少消费品中的危险化学品并保护人类健康和环境。该法律指示华盛顿州生态部评估产品中发现的化学品和化学类别,确定是否有更安全的替代品,并做出监管决定。目标 为了实施该法律,生态部制定了一个基于危害的框架,用于确定各类化学品的更安全替代品。方法 我们开发了一个基于危害的框架,称为“更安全标准”,为确定新的化学替代品是否比现有类别的化学品更安全设定了透明的标准。我们的“更安全标准”是一个框架,建立在现有的危害评估方法和已发布的化学品和化学品类别评估方法的基础上。讨论 我们通过对两类消费品中邻苯二甲酸盐化学类别的案例研究来描述我们标准的实施:乙烯基地板以及个人护理和美容产品中使用的香料。还讨论了指导我们决策过程的其他背景和考虑因素,以及我们方法的优点和局限性。本文深入介绍了我们开发和实施基于危害的框架来解决消费品中的化学品类别,并将帮助其他人致力于建立和采用类似的方法。 https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP13549。