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Attention to carbon footprints in food choices and the crowding out effect of attention‐leading nudges
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-20 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3916
Dominic Lemken 1 , Daniele Asioli 2 , Frederick Schoppa 3

Consumer attention to carbon footprint labels may trigger efforts to adjust the agri‐food sector toward more sustainable production. To assess attention levels, we used milk and bread products in an information display matrix (IDM), allowing consumers to direct attention or ignore various food product attributes. Our method improved upon previous IDM applications by introducing real‐world complexity, featuring 25 attributes per product and multiple trade‐offs. A randomizer ensured fairness by determining the order of attribute display. Results show that carbon footprints are not the primarily attended attributes. A salience nudge favoring carbon footprints directs attention to it but halves the attention paid to more holistic environmental footprints. We discuss strategies to promote environmental dimensions jointly and provide implications and recommendations for future labeling policies and marketing strategies.



消费者对碳足迹标签的关注可能会促使农业食品行业调整为更可持续的生产。为了评估注意力水平,我们在信息显示矩阵(IDM)中使用了牛奶和面包产品,让消费者能够直接关注或忽略各种食品属性。我们的方法通过引入现实世界的复杂性来改进以前的 IDM 应用程序,每个产品具有 25 个属性和多种权衡。随机发生器通过确定属性显示的顺序来确保公平性。结果表明,碳足迹并不是主要关注的属性。对碳足迹的突出推动将人们的注意力引向碳足迹,但对更全面的环境足迹的关注却减少了一半。我们讨论共同促进环境影响的策略,并为未来的标签政策和营销策略提供影响和建议。