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NPCC4: Advancing climate justice in climate adaptation strategies for New York City
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-19 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.15148
Sheila R Foster 1, 2 , Ana Baptista 3 , Khai Hoan Nguyen 4 , Jack Tchen 5 , Marco Tedesco 2 , Robin Leichenko 4

The Advancing Climate Justice in Climate Adaptation Strategies for New York City (Equity) chapter of NPCC4 builds on the findings and recommendations from NPCC3 to identify additional metrics and adaptation efforts that can advance climate justice. First, the chapter assesses the efforts of the City to incorporate equity into climate adaptation efforts since NPCC3 and describes how the communities profiled in NPCC3 have implemented and evolved their approaches to addressing the intersecting climate, environmental, and social stressors that they continue to face. Second, it adds to the historical context of climate inequity by linking the bioregion's history of colonization, land dispossession, and slavery building on emerging evidence demonstrating how historical and contemporary land use patterns and decisions shape present and future climate risks and social vulnerability, including climate displacement. Third, it recommends a NYC-focused metric to identify areas of the city that are most vulnerable to the intersection of climate hazards, social vulnerability, and displacement. Finally, it highlights approaches to more equitable and just climate adaptation drawn from local, national, and international examples. As such, the chapter offers best practices that prioritize community-driven climate resilience approaches that are integrated, more equitable, and racially just.



NPCC4 的“推进纽约市气候适应战略中的气候正义(公平)”章节以 NPCC3 的调查结果和建议为基础,以确定可以促进气候正义的其他指标和适应工作。首先,本章评估了自 NPCC3 以来纽约市将公平纳入气候适应工作的努力,并描述了 NPCC3 中描述的社区如何实施和发展其方法来解决他们继续面临的交叉气候、环境和社会压力。其次,它通过将生物区的殖民、土地剥夺和奴隶制历史联系起来,以新的证据为基础,展示历史和当代土地利用模式和决策如何影响当前和未来的气候风险和社会脆弱性,包括气候变化,从而增加了气候不平等的历史背景。位移。第三,它建议采用以纽约市为中心的指标,以确定城市中最容易受到气候危害、社会脆弱性和流离失所影响的区域。最后,它强调了从地方、国家和国际例子中汲取的更公平和公正的气候适应方法。因此,本章提供了最佳实践,优先考虑社区驱动的气候复原力方法,这些方法是综合的、更公平的和种族公正的。