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Ubiquitous Late Radio Emission from Tidal Disruption Events
The Astrophysical Journal ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-20 , DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad5541
Y. Cendes, E. Berger, K. D. Alexander, R. Chornock, R. Margutti, B. Metzger, M. H. Wieringa, M. F. Bietenholz, A. Hajela, T. Laskar, M. C. Stroh, G. Terreran

We present radio observations of 23 optically discovered tidal disruption events (TDEs) on timescales of ∼500–3200 days postdiscovery. We detect nine new TDEs that did not have detectable radio emission at earlier times, indicating a late-time brightening after several hundred (and up to 2300) days; an additional seven TDEs exhibit radio emission whose origin is ambiguous or may be attributed to the host galaxy or an active galactic nucleus. We also report a new rising component in one TDE previously detected in the radio at ∼103 days. While the radio emission in some of the detected TDEs peaked on a timescale ≈2–4 yr, over half of the sample still show rising emission. The range of luminosities for the sample is ∼1037–1039 erg s−1, about 2 orders of magnitude below the radio luminosity of the relativistic TDE Sw J1644+57. Our data set indicates ∼40% of all optical TDEs are detected in radio hundreds to thousands of days after discovery, and that this is probably more common than early radio emission peaking at ∼102 days. Using an equipartition analysis, we find evidence for a delayed launch of the radio-emitting outflows, with delay timescales of ∼500–2000 days, inferred velocities of ≈0.02–0.15c, and kinetic energies of ∼1047–1049 erg. We rule out off-axis relativistic jets as a viable explanation for this population, and conclude delayed outflows are a more likely explanation, possibly from delayed disk formation. We conclude late radio emission marks a fairly ubiquitous but heretofore overlooked phase of TDE evolution.



我们展示了 23 个光学发现的潮汐破坏事件 (TDE) 的无线电观测结果,时间尺度为发现后约 500-3200 天。我们检测到 9 个新的 TDE,它们在早期没有可检测到的无线电发射,这表明在数百(最多 2300)天后出现了晚期增亮;另外七个 TDE 表现出无线电发射,其来源不明确或可能归因于宿主星系或活跃的星系核。我们还报告了先前在 ∼10 3天的无线电中检测到的一个 TDE 中的一个新的上升分量。虽然一些检测到的 TDE 中的无线电发射在约 2-4 年的时间尺度上达到峰值,但超过一半的样本仍然显示出不断上升的发射。样本的光度范围为~10 37 –10 39 erg s -1 ,比相对论性 TDE Sw J1644+57 的射电光度低约 2 个数量级。我们的数据集表明,约 40% 的光学 TDE 在发现后数百至数千天在无线电中被检测到,这可能比约 10 2天的早期无线电发射峰值更常见。通过均分分析,我们找到了射电辐射流延迟发射的证据,延迟时间尺度约为 500-2000 天,推断速度约为 0.02-0.15c,动能约为 10 47 –10 49 erg。我们排除了离轴相对论性喷流作为该群体的可行解释,并得出结论,延迟流出是更可能的解释,可能来自延迟的磁盘形成。我们得出的结论是,晚期无线电发射标志​​着 TDE 演变的一个相当普遍但迄今为止被忽视的阶段。