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Biomimetic Viscoelastic Compliance Control for Self-Balancing Lower Limb Exoskeleton
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ( IF 11.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-19 , DOI: 10.1109/tii.2024.3388601
Dingkui Tian 1 , Wanxiang Wang 1 , Feng Li 1 , Ziqiang Chen 1 , Yong He 1 , Jinke Li 1 , Li Zhang 2 , Xinyu Wu 1

Animals, including humans that have muscles with viscoelastic compliance can achieve improved stability. Hence, we investigate a biomimetic control framework with viscoelastic compliance and subsequently apply it to a self-balancing lower limb exoskeleton robot (SBLLER), to ensure stability during locomotion. This article presents a novel biomimetic viscoelastic compliance control framework (VCCF) for an SBLLER that enables wearers to walk without the need for crutches or other external stabilization tools during self-balancing locomotion and rehabilitation training tasks. First, we devised a biomimetic viscoelastic mathematical model (BVMM) and subsequently analyzed its viscoelastic properties. Second, the VCCF, which incorporates the desired and real center of mass (CoM) and a BVMM that connects the desired and real CoMs, is designed to introduce active viscoelastic compliance for an SBLLER so that the SBLLER can absorb the early landing impact forces and stabilize itself. In addition, the VCCF exhibits robustness to the physical parameters of diverse wearers and can effectively accommodate a wide range of subjects, which is essential for promoting the application of exoskeletons. Finally, the validity of the proposed VCCF is confirmed through disturbance and walking experiments.



动物(包括人类)的肌肉具有粘弹性顺应性,可以提高稳定性。因此,我们研究了一种具有粘弹性顺应性的仿生控制框架,并将其应用于自平衡下肢外骨骼机器人(SBLLER),以确保运动过程中的稳定性。本文提出了一种用于 SBLLER 的新型仿生粘弹性柔顺控制框架 (VCCF),使佩戴者在自平衡运动和康复训练任务期间无需拐杖或其他外部稳定工具即可行走。首先,我们设计了仿生粘弹性数学模型(BVMM)并随后分析了其粘弹性特性。其次,VCCF 结合了期望的和真实的质心 (CoM) 以及连接期望和真实的 CoM 的 BVMM,旨在为 SBLLER 引入主动粘弹性柔量,以便 SBLLER 能够吸收早期着陆冲击力并稳定自身。此外,VCCF对不同佩戴者的身体参数表现出鲁棒性,可以有效地适应广泛的受试者,这对于促进外骨骼的应用至关重要。最后,通过干扰和行走实验证实了所提出的 VCCF 的有效性。