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Fault Reconstruction Algorithm for Fractional-Order Nonlinear Switching Systems Based on Optimal Fault-Tolerant Control
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-19 , DOI: 10.1109/tcyb.2024.3426622
Yuqing Yan 1 , Huaguang Zhang 2 , Wenyue Zhao 3 , Mei Li 4

In this article, a novel fault reconstruction algorithms for fractional-order nonlinear switching systems (FONSSs) with actuator and sensor faults are investigated. First, fractional-order nonlinear system (FONS) with faults, is transformed into two fast and slow subsystems using global differential homogeneous transformation, one of which is unaffected by the fault and the state is partially observable; the other subsystem is affected by the fault but the state is fully observable. After that, it is introduced for the first time that persistent dwell-time (PDT) switching is taken into consideration in the design process of the observer for FONSS, which overcomes the transient problem of the switching moment and ensures the stability of the error dynamics equations of the two fast and slow subsystems. In addition, to eliminate the impact of faults, an optimal adaptive fault-tolerant control strategy based on actor_critic architecture NN are designed to effectively compensate. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is verified by simulation results.


