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Global preventive feedback of powerful radio jets on galaxy formation
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-19 , DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2402435121
Renyue Cen 1, 2

Firmly anchored on observational data, giant radio lobes from massive galaxies hosting supermassive black holes can exert a major negative feedback effect, by endowing the intergalactic gas with significant magnetic pressure hence retarding or preventing gas accretion onto less massive halos in the vicinity. Since massive galaxies that are largely responsible for producing the giant radio lobes, this effect is expected to be stronger in more overdense large-scale environments, such as protoclusters, than in underdense regions, such as voids. We show that by redshift z = 2 halos with masses up to ( 10 11 to 12 , 10 12 to 13 ) M are significantly hindered from accreting gas due to this effect for radio bubble volume filling fraction of ( 1.0 , 0.2 ) , respectively. Since the vast majority of the stars in the universe at z < 2 to 3 form precisely in those halos, this negative feedback process is likely one major culprit for causing the global downturn in star formation in the universe. It also provides a natural explanation for the rather sudden flattening of the slope of the galaxy rest-frame UV luminosity function around z 2 . A cross-correlation between protoclusters and Faraday rotation measures may test the predicted magnetic field. Inclusion of this external feedback process in the next generation of cosmological simulations may be imperative.



牢固地锚定在观测数据上,来自拥有超大质量黑洞的大质量星系的巨大射电波瓣可以发挥重大的负反馈效应,通过赋予星系间气体显着的磁压力,从而阻止或阻止气体吸积到附近质量较小的晕上。由于巨大的星系在很大程度上负责产生巨大的射电波瓣,因此这种效应预计在密度较高的大型环境(例如原星系团)中比在密度较低的区域(例如空洞)中更强。我们表明,通过红移,质量达到( 10 11 到 12 , 10 12 到 13 ) M 的 z = 2 晕明显阻碍了吸积气体,因为射电气泡体积填充分数分别为( 1.0 , 0.2 ) 。 。由于宇宙中 z < 2 至 3 处的绝大多数恒星正是在这些光晕中形成的,因此这种负反馈过程可能是导致宇宙中恒星形成全球衰退的罪魁祸首之一。它还为星系静止框架紫外光度函数在 z ∼ 2 周围的斜率突然变平提供了自然的解释。原星团和法拉第旋转测量之间的互相关性可以测试预测的磁场。将这种外部反馈过程纳入下一代宇宙学模拟可能是势在必行的。