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‘A World of Knowledge’: Rock Art, Ritual, and Indigenous Belief at Serranía De La Lindosa in the Colombian Amazon
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-19 , DOI: 10.3390/arts13040135
Jamie Hampson 1 , José Iriarte 1 , Francisco Javier Aceituno 2

There are tens of thousands of painted rock art motifs in the Serranía de la Lindosa in the Colombian Amazon, including humans, animals, therianthropes, geometrics, and flora. For most of the last 100 years, inaccessibility and political unrest has limited research activities in the region. In this paper, we discuss findings from six years of field research and consider the role of rock art as a manifestation of Indigenous ontologies. By employing intertwining strands of evidence—a range of ethnographic sources, local Indigenous testimonies from 2021–2023, and the motifs themselves—we argue that the rock art here is connected to ritual specialists negotiating spiritual realms, somatic transformation, and the interdigitation of human and non-human worlds.



哥伦比亚亚马逊地区的林多萨山脉有数以万计的彩绘岩石艺术图案,包括人类、动物、兽人、几何和植物。在过去 100 年的大部分时间里,交通不便和政治动荡限制了该地区的研究活动。在本文中,我们讨论了六年实地研究的结果,并考虑了岩石艺术作为土著本体论表现形式的作用。通过使用相互交织的证据——一系列民族志来源、2021-2023年当地原住民的证词以及主题本身——我们认为这里的岩画与宗教仪式专家有关精神领域、躯体转化和人类相互交叉的联系。以及非人类世界。