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Perceived control moderates the internalized stigma model of seeking mental health services in distressed older adults.
Journal of Counseling Psychology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-11 , DOI: 10.1037/cou0000733
Dallas J Murphy 1 , Corey S Mackenzie 1 , Robert P Dryden 1 , Jeremy M Hamm 2

Older adults are especially unlikely to seek mental health services, and internalized stigma is a key reason why. However, little research has investigated which older adults are particularly likely to have stigma influence help-seeking. To address this, we tested whether perceived control (PC) moderates an internalized stigma model in which public stigma is internalized as self-stigma, which negatively predicts help-seeking attitudes and help-seeking intentions. We employed moderated mediation analysis of cross-sectional, secondary data from 348 psychologically distressed Canadian adults aged 65 years and older. Participants completed an online survey that included measures of public stigma of help-seeking, self-stigma of help-seeking, help-seeking attitudes, conditional help-seeking intentions, psychological distress, and PC. PC emerged as a moderator of the internalized stigma model. Those lower in PC were more likely to have public stigma negatively predict help-seeking intentions through the serial mediation of (a) self-stigma and (b) help-seeking attitudes. Further, those lower in PC were more likely to have public stigma internalized as self-stigma and more likely to have negative help-seeking attitudes predict lower help-seeking intentions. Finally, those lower in PC also had lower help-seeking intentions in the face of low levels of self-stigma. These results contribute to a nuanced understanding of which older adults are unlikely to seek help. Identifying PC as a moderator of the internalized stigma model suggests that interventions that enhance PC should protect against public stigma's internalization and improve help-seeking behaviors for older adults who need such help. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



老年人尤其不可能寻求心理健康服务,而内在的耻辱是一个关键原因。然而,很少有研究调查哪些老年人特别可能受到耻辱影响寻求帮助。为了解决这个问题,我们测试了感知控制(PC)是否调节了一种内化耻辱模型,在该模型中,公共耻辱被内化为自我耻辱,这对寻求帮助的态度和寻求帮助的意图产生负面影响。我们对 348 名 65 岁及以上患有心理困扰的加拿大成年人的横断面二手数据进行了有调节的中介分析。参与者完成了一项在线调查,其中包括对寻求帮助的公众耻辱、寻求帮助的自我耻辱、寻求帮助的态度、有条件寻求帮助的意图、心理困扰和 PC 的测量。 PC 成为内化耻辱模型的调节者。 PC 较低的人更有可能通过 (a) 自我耻辱和 (b) 寻求帮助态度的一系列中介,使公众耻辱对寻求帮助的意图产生负面影响。此外,PC 较低的人更有可能将公众耻辱内化为自我耻辱,并且更有可能持有消极的寻求帮助态度,这预示着较低的寻求帮助意图。最后,由于自我耻辱程度较低,PC 较低的人寻求帮助的意愿也较低。这些结果有助于细致地了解哪些老年人不太可能寻求帮助。将 PC 确定为内化耻辱模型的调节者表明,增强 PC 的干预措施应该防止公众耻辱的内化,并改善需要帮助的老年人的寻求帮助行为。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。