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Factors shaping Estonian entrepreneurs' green transition awareness
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-18 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3927
Renee Pesor 1 , Marge Täks 2 , Aleksandra Kekkonen 1

This study explored factors shaping Estonian entrepreneurs' green transition awareness. Employing mixed methods, it included an online survey (532 enterprise representatives) and focus groups/interviews (42 experts). Findings showed that less than half of Estonian companies were aware of the green transition. Based on proportional odds logistic regressions, factors contributing to this low awareness included a perceived lack of necessity, limited exposure to green regulations, demand for information on green initiatives and absence of an established green transition plan. Entrepreneurs acknowledged the importance of sustainable practices yet lacked expertise in their implementation. Policymaker‐driven targeted communication and training are key for bridging this gap, emphasizing benefits and encouraging green plans. Collaboration and knowledge‐sharing, especially with foreign trade‐linked companies, may foster green practice adoption. These findings aid in understanding awareness gaps and guiding support systems. Policymakers can create effective strategies, training and plans, promoting awareness of Estonia's sustainable goals and eco‐conscious business landscape.


