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Critical success factors for linking digital technologies and circular supply chains
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-18 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3907
Ashish Dwivedi 1 , Anirban Ganguly 1 , Sanjoy Kumar Paul 2

Circular supply chains (CSCs) refer to the process of collecting used products from consumers and repurposing them through remanufacturing, recycling, renovation, and repair. Digital technologies have the potential to perform a crucial role in enhancing these processes and achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs). Therefore, exploring the factors that link digital technologies and CSCs is essential. This study identifies and analyzes the critical success factors (CSFs) associated with integrating digital technologies in CSCs. The study utilized a grey Decision‐Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) to identify and analyze CSFs. The initial set of CSFs was derived from existing literature and further refined based on expert opinions. The findings from the study reflect that the top five CSFs for linking digital technologies and CSCs were identified as the organizational commitment toward digitization, adoption of modern technologies, support from top administration toward digitization, adoption of contemporary business models, and data‐driven modernization toward CSCs. The study also revealed that out of the 24 identified CSFs, 11 were associated with the “causal group” while the remaining 13 were associated with the “effect group.” The integration of digital technologies in CSCs has been found to significantly enhance organizational effectiveness. However, there is a paucity of studies analyzing CSFs for linking digital technologies and CSCs. This study fills this research gap and contributes to the frame of knowledge in the domain of CSCs.



循环供应链(CSC)是指从消费者那里收集废旧产品并通过再制造、回收、翻新和维修来重新利用它们的过程。数字技术有潜力在加强这些流程和实现可持续发展目标(SDG)方面发挥关键作用。因此,探索数字技术与客户服务中心的联系因素至关重要。本研究确定并分析了与 CSC 中集成数字技术相关的关键成功因素 (CSF)。该研究利用灰色决策试验和评估实验室 (DEMATEL) 来识别和分析 CSF。最初的 CSF 集源自现有文献,并根据专家意见进一步完善。研究结果表明,连接数字技术和客户服务中心的前五项关键成功因素被确定为组织对数字化的承诺、采用现代技术、高层管理人员对数字化的支持、采用当代商业模式以及数据驱动的现代化CSC。研究还显示,在 24 个已识别的 CSF 中,有 11 个与“因果组”相关,其余 13 个与“效应组”相关。人们发现,CSC 中数字技术的集成可以显着提高组织效率。然而,分析 CSF 以连接数字技术和 CSC 的研究很少。这项研究填补了这一研究空白,并有助于构建 CSC 领域的知识框架。