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Metacognitive knowledge about self-control
Current Opinion in Psychology ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2024.101861
Marie Hennecke 1 , Pooja Kulkarni 2

Good self-control is highly valuable, but the processes that promote it are not fully understood. This review emphasizes that self-control is “inherently metacognitive” (p. 204, Duckworth et al., 2014) and describes the potential benefits of metacognitive knowledge for self-control. In line with research on metacognition in academic goal pursuit, we elaborate how three distinct types of metacognitive knowledge may aid self-control: strategy knowledge (for example, a repertoire of self-regulatory strategies), task knowledge (for example, understanding self-control demands), and person knowledge (for example, awareness of one's self-control strengths and weaknesses). Additionally, we identify research gaps and suggest that future studies should investigate the development and updating of metacognitive knowledge about self-control and how metacognitive knowledge can prevent individuals from justifying indulgence.



良好的自我控制非常有价值,但促进它的过程尚未完全了解。这篇综述强调自我控制是“本质上的元认知”(第 204 页,Duckworth 等人,2014 年),并描述了元认知知识对自我控制的潜在好处。根据学术目标追求中的元认知研究,我们详细阐述了三种不同类型的元认知知识如何帮助自我控制:策略知识(例如,自我调节策略的全部内容)、任务知识(例如,理解自我控制)控制要求)和个人知识(例如,对自我控制优势和劣势的认识)。此外,我们还发现了研究差距,并建议未来的研究应该调查有关自我控制的元认知知识的发展和更新,以及元认知知识如何阻止个人为放纵辩护。