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Decarburization control and performance enhancement: Optimizing HVOF sprayed submicron WC-12Co coating with additives
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2024.106846
Jian Yao , Feng Liu , Liming Tan , Lan Huang , Yong Liu

This study explored enhancing WC-12Co coatings' performance and preventing decarburization by adding Cr, CrC, and VC. Coatings were prepared using HVOF technology, and their microstructure, mechanical properties, wear behavior, and corrosion resistance were analyzed. Results indicated that VC and CrC add-ins effectively prevented decarburization, with T2 coatings (WC-12Co-2VC-2CrC) showing lower porosity, higher hardness, and improved wear resistance. However, T1 coatings (WC-12Co-2VC-2Cr) demonstrated superior corrosion resistance due to Cr addition. The findings provide insights into the additives' effects on WC-12Co coatings and underscore the potential of VC and CrC as decarburization inhibitors.


脱碳控制和性能增强:使用添加剂优化 HVOF 喷涂亚微米 WC-12Co 涂层

本研究探讨了通过添加 Cr、CrC 和 VC 来增强 WC-12Co 涂层的性能并防止脱碳。采用HVOF技术制备涂层,并分析其微观结构、力学性能、磨损行为和耐腐蚀性能。结果表明,VC 和 CrC 添加剂可有效防止脱碳,T2 涂层 (WC-12Co-2VC-2CrC) 表现出更低的孔隙率、更高的硬度和更高的耐磨性。然而,T1 涂层 (WC-12Co-2VC-2Cr) 由于添加了 Cr 而表现出优异的耐腐蚀性。这些发现深入了解了添加剂对 WC-12Co 涂层的影响,并强调了 VC 和 CrC 作为脱碳抑制剂的潜力。