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Advancing the Shift-of-Strategy approach: Shifting suspects' strategies in extended interviews.
Law and Human Behavior ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-01 , DOI: 10.1037/lhb0000554
Lina Nyström 1 , Timothy J Luke 1 , Pär Anders Granhag 1 , Aziz-Kaan Dönmez 1 , Malin Ekelund 1 , Pär D Stern 1

OBJECTIVE Interviewers often face the challenge of obtaining information from suspects who are willing to speak but are motivated to conceal incriminating information. The Shift-of-Strategy (SoS) approach is an interviewing technique designed to obtain new information from such suspects. This study provides a robust empirical test of the SoS approach using more complex crime events and longer interviews than previously tested as well as testing a new variation of the approach (SoS-Reinforcement) that included a strategic summary of the suspect's statement. We compared this new variation with a standard version of the approach (SoS-Standard) and an interviewing approach that involved no confrontation of discrepancies in the suspects' statements (Direct). HYPOTHESES We predicted that the two SoS versions would outperform the Direct condition in terms of participants' disclosure of previously unknown information. We also predicted that SoS-Reinforcement would outperform SoS-Standard. Finally, we expected that participants in the SoS conditions would not assess the interview or the interviewer more poorly than participants in Direct. METHOD A total of 300 participants completed an online mock crime procedure, and they were subsequently interviewed with one of the three interviewing techniques. Following the interview, participants provided assessments of their experiences being interviewed. RESULTS Participants in both SoS-Standard (d = 0.49, 95% confidence interval [CI: 0.21, 0.78]) and SoS-Reinforcement (d = 0.59, 95% CI [0.30, 0.87]) disclosed more previously unknown information than participants in the Direct condition, but SoS-Reinforcement did not outperform SoS-Standard (d = 0.08, 95% CI [-0.20, 0.36]). Participants in SoS-Reinforcement assessed their experience more negatively than those in Direct. No such differences were observed in the remaining two-way comparisons. CONCLUSIONS The study provides support for the effectiveness of eliciting new information through the SoS approach and illuminates possible experiential downsides with being subjected to the SoS-Reinforcement approach. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



目标 访谈员经常面临从愿意说话但有动机隐瞒犯罪信息的嫌疑人那里获取信息的挑战。策略转变(SoS)方法是一种访谈技术,旨在从此类嫌疑人那里获取新信息。本研究使用比之前测试更复杂的犯罪事件和更长的访谈,对 SoS 方法进行了强有力的实证测试,并测试了该方法的新变体(SoS 强化),其中包括对嫌疑人陈述的战略摘要。我们将这种新的变体与该方法的标准版本(SoS-标准)和不涉及嫌疑人陈述中的差异的访谈方法(直接)进行了比较。假设 我们预测,就参与者披露先前未知的信息而言,两个 SoS 版本将优于直接条件。我们还预测 SoS-Reinforcement 将优于 SoS-Standard。最后,我们预计 SoS 条件下的参与者不会比 Direct 条件下的参与者对面试或面试官的评价更差。方法 共有 300 名参与者完成了在线模拟犯罪程序,随后使用三种访谈技术中的一种对他们进行了访谈。采访结束后,参与者对他们接受采访的经历进行了评估。结果 SoS 标准组(d = 0.49,95% 置信区间 [CI:0.21,0.78])和 SoS 强化组(d = 0.59,95% CI [0.30,0.87])的参与者比 SoS 强化组的参与者披露了更多以前未知的信息。直接条件,但 SoS 强化并未优于 SoS 标准 (d = 0.08, 95% CI [-0.20, 0.36])。 SoS-强化的参与者对他们的经历的评价比直接的参与者更加消极。在其余的双向比较中没有观察到此类差异。结论 这项研究为通过 SoS 方法获取新信息的有效性提供了支持,并阐明了采用 SoS 强化方法可能带来的经验缺点。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。