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Depression, gender, and help-seeking among Arab/Middle Eastern North African (MENA) Americans: The role of enculturation.
Journal of Counseling Psychology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-04 , DOI: 10.1037/cou0000734
Katherine Sadek 1 , Germine H Awad 2

The purpose of this study was to examine the ways in which depression severity, gender, acculturation, and enculturation are associated with help-seeking attitudes among Arab/Middle Eastern North African (MENA) Americans. A hierarchical linear regression was conducted with a sample of 296 Arab/MENA participants (154 women and 142 men). After controlling for pertinent demographic variables, depression severity was negatively associated with help-seeking. Further, there was a significant three-way interaction between depression severity, gender, and enculturation on help-seeking attitudes. For women with higher levels of depression symptoms, higher levels of enculturation were associated with less positive help-seeking attitudes; conversely, higher levels of enculturation for men were associated with more positive help-seeking attitudes. These results have significant implications for clinicians working with Arab/MENA American populations. Practitioners should be aware of acculturation and enculturation processes as well as the ways in which depression symptom severity may influence engagement in treatment differentially for Arab/MENA women and men. Future research is needed to examine the mechanisms underlying these relationships. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).


阿拉伯/中东北非 (MENA) 美国人的抑郁、性别和寻求帮助:文化适应的作用。

本研究的目的是探讨阿拉伯/中东北非 (MENA) 美国人的抑郁严重程度、性别、文化适应和寻求帮助态度之间的关系。对 296 名阿拉伯/中东和北非参与者(154 名女性和 142 名男性)样本进行了分层线性回归。在控制了相关的人口统计变量后,抑郁症的严重程度与寻求帮助呈负相关。此外,抑郁严重程度、性别和寻求帮助态度的文化适应之间存在显着的三向交互作用。对于抑郁症状较严重的女性,文化适应程度较高与寻求帮助的态度较不积极有关;相反,男性的文化适应程度越高,寻求帮助的态度就越积极。这些结果对于从事阿拉伯/中东和北非美洲人群工作的临床医生具有重要意义。从业者应了解文化适应和文化适应过程,以及抑郁症状严重程度可能影响阿拉伯/中东和北非地区女性和男性接受不同治疗的方式。未来的研究需要检验这些关系背后的机制。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。