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Case-based learning for cybersecurity leaders: A systematic review and research agenda
Information & Management ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2024.104015
Ashley Anderson , Atif Ahmad , Shanton Chang

Increasingly, large organisations are turning to cybersecurity leaders to protect their information resources against attack. However, because cybersecurity leadership roles are new, educational literature and practice targeting this role are nascent. In this systematic review, we assess the value of case-based learning (CBL) in educating cybersecurity leaders. We also aim to discover what gaps, if any, exist in this body of research. We find that cybersecurity leaders’ attitudes and metacognitive abilities are important but overlooked elements of their competence, and that CBL has potential to develop these competencies. The article concludes with a competency matrix and agenda for further research.



越来越多的大型组织开始寻求网络安全领导者的帮助,以保护其信息资源免受攻击。然而,由于网络安全领导角色是新的,因此针对这一角色的教育文献和实践才刚刚起步。在这次系统回顾中,我们评估了基于案例的学习(CBL)在教育网络安全领导者方面的价值。我们还旨在发现该研究机构中存在哪些差距(如果有的话)。我们发现网络安全领导者的态度和元认知能力很重要,但在他们的能力中却被忽视,而 CBL 有潜力发展这些能力。本文最后给出了能力矩阵和进一步研究的议程。