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Liminal digital transformation in public sector: The case of UK policing
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsis.2024.101851
Emma Gritt , Emma Forsgren , Krsto Pandza

For many public sector organisations, digital transformation is a strategic priority. However, there is limited understanding of how everyday practices shape such large-scale transformation. To address this, we adopt a strategy-as-practice approach to capture the ‘doings’ of strategy on the ground and the role this plays in large-scale transformation. We conducted an in-depth interpretive case study on UK policing and collected rich data from multiple sources. This is an important context as the police face increasing demands to deliver digital transformation while maintaining a high level of service to protect the public. Our findings reveal that public sector organisations like the police find themselves in a state of liminal digital transformation. We conceptualise this liminality as , and , due to the specific conditions in the strategy practices: openness of strategy, ambiguity in rules and norms, and interdependencies across organisational boundaries. We theorise this relationship in a model of ‘liminal digital transformation’ and propose a set of propositions. By doing so, our research introduces a novel perspective on digital transformation in the public sector and how it is shaped by everyday strategising practices.



对于许多公共部门组织来说,数字化转型是战略重点。然而,对于日常实践如何塑造如此大规模的转变,人们的了解还很有限。为了解决这个问题,我们采用战略即实践的方法来捕捉战略的实际“作用”及其在大规模转型中所发挥的作用。我们对英国警务进行了深入的解释性案例研究,并从多个来源收集了丰富的数据。这是一个重要的背景,因为警察面临着日益增长的数字化转型需求,同时保持高水平的服务以保护公众。我们的研究结果表明,像警察这样的公共部门组织发现自己处于数字化转型的临界状态。由于战略实践中的具体条件,我们将这种限制概念化为 、 和 :战略的开放性、规则和规范的模糊性以及跨组织边界的相互依赖性。我们在“阈值数字化转型”模型中对这种关系进行了理论分析,并提出了一系列命题。通过这样做,我们的研究引入了关于公共部门数字化转型以及日常战略实践如何塑造数字化转型的新颖视角。