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EV20/Omomyc: A novel dual MYC/HER3 targeting immunoconjugate
Journal of Controlled Release ( IF 10.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2024.08.009
Sandra Bibbò 1 , Emily Capone 1 , Giulio Lovato 1 , Sara Ponziani 2 , Alessia Lamolinara 3 , Manuela Iezzi 4 , Rossano Lattanzio 1 , Katia Mazzocco 5 , Martina Morini 5 , Francesco Giansanti 2 , Vincenzo De Laurenzi 1 , Jonathan Whitfield 6 , Stefano Iacobelli 7 , Rodolfo Ippoliti 2 , Marie-Eve Beaulieu 8 , Laura Soucek 9 , Arturo Sala 10 , Gianluca Sala 1

MYC is one of the most important therapeutic targets in human cancer. Many attempts have been made to develop small molecules that could be used to curb its activity in patients, but most failed to identify a suitable direct inhibitor. After years of preclinical characterization, a tissue-penetrating peptide MYC inhibitor, called Omomyc, has been recently successfully used in a Phase I dose escalation study in late-stage, all-comers solid tumour patients. The study showed drug safety and positive signs of clinical activity, prompting the beginning of a new Phase Ib combination study currently ongoing in metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma patients.


EV20/Omomyc:一种新型双 MYC/HER3 靶向免疫偶联物

MYC 是人类癌症最重要的治疗靶点之一。人们已经进行了许多尝试来开发可用于抑制其在患者体内的活性的小分子,但大多数都未能找到合适的直接抑制剂。经过多年的临床前表征,一种名为 Omomyc 的组织穿透肽 MYC 抑制剂最近已成功用于晚期所有实体瘤患者的 I 期剂量递增研究。该研究显示了药物安全性和临床活性的积极迹象,促使目前在转移性胰腺腺癌患者中正在进行的一项新的 Ib 期联合研究的开始。