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Evaluation of fluoride emissions and pollution from an electrolytic aluminum plant located in Yunnan province
Journal of Hazardous Materials ( IF 12.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.135500
Bin Li 1 , Liping Zhang 1 , Mingqian Cheng 2 , Ling Chen 1 , Wei Fang 1 , Shuai Liu 3 , Tao Zhou 4 , Youcai Zhao 4 , Qihong Cen 1 , Wenmin Qian 5 , Xiangyang Mei 5 , Zewei Liu 6

The monitoring and evaluation of fluoride pollution are essentially important to make sure that concentrations do not exceed threshold limit, especially for surrounding atmosphere and soil, which are located close to the emission source. This study aimed to describe the atmospheric HF and edaphic fluoride distribution from an electrolytic aluminum plant located in Yunnan province, on which the effects of meteorological conditions, time, and topography were explored. Meanwhile, six types of solid waste genereted from different electrolytic aluminum process nodes were characterized to analyze the fluoride content and formation characteristics. The results showed that fluoride in solid waste mainly existed in the form of NaAlF, AlF, CaF, and SiF. Spent electrolytes, carbon residue, and workshop dust are critical contributors to fluoride emissions in the primary aluminum production process, and the fluorine content is 17.14 %, 33.30 %, and 31.34 %, respectively. Unorganized emissions from electrolytic aluminum plants and solid waste generation are the primary sources of fluoride in the environment, among which the edaphic fluoride content increases most at the sampling sites S1 and S7. In addition, the atmospheric HF concentration showed significant correlations with wind speed, varying wildly from March to September, with daily average and hourly maximum HF concentrations of 4.32 μg/m and 9.0 μg/m, respectively. The results of the study are crucial for mitigating fluorine pollution in the electrolytic aluminum industry.



氟化物污染的监测和评估对于确保浓度不超过阈值至关重要,特别是对于靠近排放源的周围大气和土壤。本研究旨在描述云南省某电解铝厂大气中氟化氢和土壤氟化物的分布,探讨气象条件、时间和地形对其的影响。同时,对不同电解铝工艺节点产生的六类固体废物进行表征,分析其氟化物含量和形成特征。结果表明,固体废物中氟化物主要以NaAlF、AlF、CaF、SiF等形式存在。废电解液、炭渣和车间粉尘是原铝生产过程中氟化物排放的关键因素,其氟含量分别为17.14%、33.30%和31.34%。电解铝厂无组织排放和固体废物产生是环境中氟化物的主要来源,其中S1和S7采样点土壤氟化物含量增幅最大。此外,大气HF浓度与风速存在显着相关性,3月至9月变化较大,日平均和小时最大HF浓度分别为4.32 μg/m和9.0 μg/m。该研究结果对于减轻电解铝行业氟污染至关重要。