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Monitoring of current-use pesticides along a Europe-Arctic transect using ships of opportunity
Journal of Hazardous Materials ( IF 12.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.135459
Miroslav Brumovský 1 , Jiří Kohoutek 2 , Katharina Bjarnar Løken 3 , Ondřej Sáňka 2 , Kai Sørensen 3 , Luca Nizzetto 4

Understanding the occurrence and fate of current-use pesticides (CUPs) in coastal and open marine waters is essential for conducting exposure and risk assessments to ensure the protection of marine ecosystems from chemical pollution. While CUPs have been frequently studied in freshwater systems, knowledge of their behavior in marine environments remains fragmentary. This study investigated 28 CUPs across 50 sites along a transect from the Baltic outflow to pristine Arctic waters using ships of opportunity with installed FerryBox system. Overall, 14 CUPs were detected at least at one site at concentrations ranging from sub-ng/L to ng/L. CUP concentrations were higher in the Baltic outflow and decreased along the transect. Atrazine, simazine, tebuconazole, and propiconazole were detected in > 40 % of samples, including remote open sea regions, suggesting their potential for long-range marine transport. This Baltic Sea was identified as a major source of CUPs to connected marine systems. Additional CUPs were detected in the Baltic outflow, encompassing diuron, isoproturon, metazachlor, metolachlor, pyrazon, terbuthylazine, and chlortoluron. Ecotoxicological assessment indicated a moderate risk posed by metolachlor to algae. The use of the described infrastructure holds great promise for advancing our understanding of the occurrence and fate of CUPs in marine environments.



了解沿海和公海水域中常用农药 (CUP) 的出现和归宿对于进行暴露和风险评估以确保保护海洋生态系统免受化学污染至关重要。虽然 CUP 在淡水系统中得到了频繁的研究,但对其在海洋环境中的行为的了解仍然零散。这项研究使用安装了 FerryBox 系统的机会船,调查了从波罗的海流出道到原始北极水域的横断面的 50 个地点的 28 个 CUP。总体而言,至少在一个地点检测到 14 个 CUP,浓度范围从亚纳克/升到纳克/升。波罗的海流出流中的 CUP 浓度较高,并沿横断面下降。在 > 40% 的样品中检测到莠去津、西玛津、戊唑醇和丙环唑,其中包括偏远的公海区域,表明它们具有远距离海洋迁移的潜力。波罗的海被确定为连接海洋系统的 CUP 的主要来源。在波罗的海流出物中还检测到了其他 CUP,包括敌草隆、异丙隆、吡草胺、异丙甲草胺、吡嗪、特丁嗪和绿麦隆。生态毒理学评估表明异丙甲草胺对藻类具有中等风险。使用所描述的基础设施对于增进我们对海洋环境中 CUP 的发生和命运的理解具有巨大的希望。