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Mobility as a Service (MaaS) for university communities: Modeling preferences for integrated public transport bundles
Travel Behaviour and Society ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100890
Pierluigi Coppola , Fulvio Silvestri , Luca Pastorelli

In order to investigate the role that Mobility as a Service (MaaS) could play in university communities to reduce car dependency and moderate car-oriented travel behavior, this paper examines individuals’ stated interest in adopting MaaS bundles in academic environments, where its potential is still largely underexplored. The study involves a large-scale survey campaign carried out within a university community in Milan (Italy), comprising 1873 answers from faculty members, technical-administrative staff, and students. The paper discusses the factors affecting behavioral intentions towards a potential MaaS adoption on the basis of aggregate statistics and discrete choice models estimates. This research highlights that there is a real opportunity to market MaaS in university communities, but an accurate user-centered design of the MaaS solutions is needed, based on individuals’ preferences and actual mobility needs. Results suggest that MaaS has a broader potential user base among individuals under 35 years old and Public Transport subscribers, and that MaaS bundles involving shared mobility services are attractive by residents in the city center, while reserved parking at interchange facilities is more attractive to commuters coming from suburban areas.


大学社区的出行即服务 (MaaS):综合公共交通组合的偏好建模

为了调查移动即服务 (MaaS) 在大学社区中可以发挥的作用,以减少汽车依赖和调节以汽车为导向的出行行为,本文研究了个人对在学术环境中采用 MaaS 捆绑包的兴趣,其潜力在于很大程度上仍未得到充分探索。该研究涉及在米兰(意大利)的一个大学社区内开展的大规模调查活动,包括来自教职员工、技术行政人员和学生的 1873 份回答。本文基于汇总统计数据和离散选择模型估计,讨论了影响潜在 MaaS 采用行为意图的因素。这项研究强调,在大学社区中确实存在营销 MaaS 的机会,但需要根据个人偏好和实际移动需求,对 MaaS 解决方案进行准确的以用户为中心的设计。结果表明,MaaS 在 35 岁以下的个人和公共交通订户中拥有更广泛的潜在用户群,涉及共享出行服务的 MaaS 捆绑包对市中心居民有吸引力,而换乘设施的预留停车位对前来的通勤者更具吸引力来自郊区。