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Acceptance of hyperloop: Developing a model for hyperloop acceptance based on an empirical study in the Netherlands
Travel Behaviour and Society ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100887
Patrick Planing , Jorina Hilser , Anesa Aljovic

Increasing urbanization is causing many challenges for mobility today, such as traffic jams and high carbon dioxide emissions. Hyperloop is a radical mobility innovation that could offer a potential solution for these issues. Since hyperloop is currently under development, overcoming technical and economic challenges and increasing its acceptance in society will decide the success of this innovative mode of transport. Currently, research on hyperloop user acceptance is limited. This study aims to identify users’ willingness to use the system and factors that determine support or rejection for hyperloop. Therefore, an acceptance model was proposed and then tested in an empirical study based on a sample consisting of = 387 participants in the Netherlands. The results indicate that performance expectations (e.g., high speed, comfort, environmental advantages) support the acceptance of hyperloop. At the same time, safety concerns (e.g., technology failure, low-pressure environment) were identified as a rejection factor. Based on the results, interested stakeholders should consider the benefits, possible fears, and concerns regarding hyperloop in their communication. Future research should include experience opportunities with hyperloop to obtain more valid results.



日益增长的城市化给当今的交通带来了许多挑战,例如交通拥堵和二氧化碳排放量高​​。超级高铁是一项激进的移动创新,可以为这些问题提供潜在的解决方案。由于超级高铁目前正在开发中,克服技术和经济挑战并提高其在社会中的接受度将决定这种创新运输方式的成功。目前,关于超级高铁用户接受度的研究还很有限。本研究旨在确定用户使用该系统的意愿以及决定支持或拒绝超级高铁的因素。因此,提出了一个接受模型,然后在基于荷兰 387 名参与者的样本的实证研究中进行了测试。结果表明,性能期望(例如,高速、舒适、环境优势)支持超级高铁的接受。同时,安全问题(例如技术故障、低压环境)被确定为拒绝因素。根据结果​​,感兴趣的利益相关者应在沟通中考虑超级高铁的好处、可能的恐惧和担忧。未来的研究应该包括超级高铁的体验机会,以获得更有效的结果。