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Cu- and Li-ion-exchanged ZSM-5 for nitrogen adsorption: Reduced Li usage and water vapor adsorption
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2024.08.003
Hyunwook Kim , Cheolho Lim , Taegyu Jin , Jinseong Kim , Jungkyu Choi , Ki Bong Lee

Li-X zeolites have been widely used as nitrogen-selective adsorbents in oxygen concentrators. However, the synthesis of Li-X zeolites requires an excessive amount of Li for ion exchange, and Li-X zeolites are vulnerable to humid conditions because of their high affinity for water vapor. To solve these problems, a ZSM-5 zeolite exchanged with both Cu and Li (CuLi-ZSM-5) was developed for N adsorption. CuLi-ZSM-5 achieved a high Li content (Li/Al =0.84) despite the use of a smaller amount of Li in its ion-exchange procedure and exhibited higher N uptake (0.81 mmol/g) at 298 K than the Li-X zeolite (0.69 mmol/g). This is possibly because the Li in CuLi-ZSM-5 is effectively distributed at sites accessible for N adsorption. In addition, CuLi-ZSM-5 had higher N/O selectivity in the low-pressure range and a much lower affinity for water vapor than the Li-X zeolite, resulting in significantly lower HO/N selectivity. CuLi-ZSM-5 has the potential to be a new economical N-selective adsorbent with low interference from water vapor.


用于氮气吸附的铜离子和锂离子交换 ZSM-5:减少锂的使用和水蒸气吸附

Li-X沸石已广泛用作制氧机中的氮选择性吸附剂。然而,Li-X沸石的合成需要过量的Li进行离子交换,并且Li-X沸石由于对水蒸气的高亲和力而容易受到潮湿条件的影响。为了解决这些问题,开发了一种与 Cu 和 Li 交换的 ZSM-5 沸石(CuLi-ZSM-5)用于 N 吸附。尽管在离子交换过程中使用了少量的锂,但 CuLi-ZSM-5 仍实现了高锂含量 (Li/Al =0.84),并且在 298 K 时表现出比 Li-ZSM-5 更高的氮吸收量 (0.81 mmol/g)。 X 沸石 (0.69 mmol/g)。这可能是因为 CuLi-ZSM-5 中的 Li 有效分布在可吸附 N 的位点。此外,与Li-X沸石相比,CuLi-ZSM-5在低压范围内具有更高的N/O选择性,并且对水蒸气的亲和力低得多,导致HO/N选择性显着降低。 CuLi-ZSM-5有潜力成为一种新型经济型氮选择性吸附剂,水蒸气干扰低。