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How Do Intimate Partner Violence, Outness, and Community Connection Relate to Minority Stressors for Men Who Have Sex with Men?
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-17 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241271395
Jennie Pless 1 , Jeremy J Gibbs 1

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a pervasive issue among men who have sex with men (MSM). However, IPV has long been conceptualized as abuse between a male perpetrator and a female victim, leaving gaps in the literature on the unique impacts IPV victimization has for both male victims and victims in same-sex relationships. This study examines relationships between IPV and negative minority stress experiences specific to LGBTQ individuals: overt experiences of homophobia, sexual orientation microaggressions, and internalized homophobia. Participants ( N = 168) were recruited through three popular MSM networking applications (i.e., Grindr, Jack’d, and Scruff. Most were recruited from one state in the southeastern United States. Ordinary Least Squares regressions were used to examine IPV as a predictive factor in three separate models, all of which controlled for age, race, outness, and gay community connection (GCC). IPV victimization is associated with increased levels of experiences of overt homophobia, homophobic microaggressions, and internalized homophobia for MSM. Outness, or being open with the people in one’s life about one’s MSM identity, is associated with lower levels of both sexual orientation microaggressions and internalized homophobia. GCC is also associated with lower levels of internalized homophobia. Results from this study show that IPV victimization is related to minority stressors for MSM. These findings support the existence of unique elements of IPV for LGBTQ victims, specifically MSM. Implications for IPV researchers and service providers are discussed, including the importance of the protective role of outness and GCC against some minority stressors.



亲密伴侣暴力 (IPV) 是男男性行为者 (MSM) 中普遍存在的问题。然而,IPV 长期以来一直被概念化为男性犯罪者和女性受害者之间的虐待,因此在 IPV 受害对男性受害者和同性关系受害者的独特影响方面的文献中留下了空白。本研究探讨了 IPV 与 LGBTQ 个体特有的负面少数压力体验之间的关系:公开的恐同经历、性取向微侵犯和内在的恐同。参与者 (N = 168) 是通过三种流行的 MSM 网络应用程序(即 Grindr、Jack'd 和 Scruff)招募的。大多数是从美国东南部的一个州招募的。使用普通最小二乘回归来检查 IPV 作为预测因素三个独立模型的因素,所有这些因素都控制了年龄、种族、外在性和同性恋社区联系(GCC),这些因素都与 MSM 或内化同性恋恐惧症的经历水平增加有关。向生活中的人公开自己的男同性恋者身份,与较低水平的性取向微侵犯和内化同性恋恐惧症有关,这项研究的结果表明,IPV 受害与少数群体有关。这些发现支持了 LGBTQ 受害者(特别是 MSM)的 IPV 独特因素的存在,讨论了 IPV 研究人员和服务提供商的影响,包括外在性和 GCC 对某些少数群体压力源的保护作用的重要性。