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Child Maltreatment, Mental Health Disorders, and Health Risk Behaviors in People With Diverse Gender Identities
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-17 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241270077
Monica Madzoska 1 , David Lawrence 1 , Daryl J Higgins 2 , Divna M Haslam 3, 4 , Ben Mathews 5, 6 , Eva Malacova 7 , Michael P Dunne 1, 2 , Holly E Erskine 3, 7, 8 , Rosana Pacella 8 , Franziska Meinck 9, 10, 11 , Hannah J Thomas 3, 4, 7 , James G Scott 3, 4, 7, 12

This study examined rates of mental health disorders and health risk behaviors in people with diverse gender identities and associations with five types of child maltreatment. We used data from the Australian Child Maltreatment Study (ACMS), a nationally representative survey of Australian residents aged 16 years and more, which was designed to understand the experience of child maltreatment (physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, exposure to domestic violence). Mental disorders—major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), alcohol use disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and health risk behaviors—smoking, binge drinking, cannabis dependence, self-harm, and suicide attempt in the past 12 months were assessed. People with diverse gender identities who experienced child maltreatment were significantly more likely to have GAD (43.3%; 95% CI [30.3, 56.2]) than those who had experienced child maltreatment who were either cisgender men (13.8%; [12.0, 15.5]) or cisgender women (17.4%; [15.7, 19.2]). Similarly, higher prevalence was found for PTSD (21.3%; [11.1, 31.5]), self-harm (27.8%; [17.1, 38.5]) and suicide attempt (7.2%; [3.1, 11.3]) for people with diverse gender identities. Trauma-informed approaches, attuned to the high likelihood of any child maltreatment, and the co-occurrence of different kinds may benefit people with diverse gender identities experiencing GAD, PTSD, self-harm, suicidal behaviors, or other health risk behaviors.



这项研究调查了不同性别认同人群的心理健康障碍和健康风险行为的发生率以及与五种儿童虐待类型的关系。我们使用了澳大利亚儿童虐待研究 (ACMS) 的数据,这是一项针对 16 岁及以上澳大利亚居民的全国代表性调查,旨在了解儿童虐待的经历(身体虐待、性虐待、情感虐待、忽视、接触家庭暴力)。精神障碍 - 重度抑郁症、广泛性焦虑症 (GAD)、酒精使用障碍、创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD) 和健康风险行为 - 吸烟、酗酒、大麻依赖、自残和过去的自杀企图评估时间为 12 个月。经历过儿童虐待的具有不同性别认同的人比那些经历过儿童虐待的顺性别男性 (13.8%; [12.0, 15.5]) 更容易患广泛性焦虑症 (43.3%; 95% CI [30.3, 56.2])。 )或顺性别女性(17.4%;[15.7, 19.2])。同样,不同性别的人中创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD) (21.3%; [11.1, 31.5])、自残 (27.8%; [17.1, 38.5]) 和自杀未遂 (7.2%; [3.1, 11.3]) 的患病率较高身份。基于创伤的方法,适应任何儿童虐待的高可能性,以及不同类型的同时发生,可能会使具有不同性别身份、经历广泛性焦虑症、创伤后应激障碍、自残、自杀行为或其他健康风险行为的人受益。