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Limits on an improved action for contact effective field theory in two-body systems
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138903
Lorenzo Contessi , Manuel Pavon Valderrama , Ubirajara van Kolck

We consider a possible resummation of subleading effects in two-body systems with a large scattering length as described by a short-range effective field theory (EFT). In particular, we investigate the consequences of a resummation of part of the range corrections. Explicit calculations of the two-body phase shifts and charge form factor indicate that, except for extreme choices, resummations do not alter the convergence of the EFT expansion and are often beneficial at the lowest orders. We have considered the expansion when the regulator cutoff is removed as well as when it is finite, and find that the cutoff is not an important factor for resummations. Our results connect with other works where the partial resummation is induced by potentials with finite cutoffs or interaction ranges.



我们考虑了短程有效场理论(EFT)所描述的具有大散射长度的两体系统中次主导效应的可能恢复。特别是,我们研究了恢复部分范围修正的后果。二体相移和电荷形状因子的显式计算表明,除了极端选择之外,恢复不会改变 EFT 展开式的收敛性,并且在最低阶上通常是有益的。我们考虑了当调节器截止被移除时以及当调节器截止是有限时的扩展,并且发现截止不是恢复的重要因素。我们的结果与其他工作相关,其中部分恢复是由具有有限截止或相互作用范围的电势引起的。