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Use of LCZs with urban canopy modeling to evaluate urban growth effects on meteorological conditions in the Salt Lake Valley
Urban Climate ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2024.102106
Corey Smithson , Bradley R. Adams

Urban Canopy Models (UCMs) can be used to represent urban characteristics on a mesoscale without accounting for effects of individual buildings. A WRF-based single-layer urban canopy model (SLUCM) was validated for the greater Salt Lake City area (GSLA) using measurements from two weather stations for a one-week period during summer 2019. A baseline model based on current GSLA properties developed using the Noah land surface model, SLUCM, and refined urban classifications based on WUDAPT Local Climate Zones (LCZs) produced acceptable predictions and computational times. The baseline model was validated using measured meteorological data and clearly showed diurnal heating patterns. Three scenarios representing multi-decade growth were defined by modifying LCZs in different parts of the GSLA. Compared to baseline values, results showed increased urban density increased local nighttime temperatures 5–10 °C depending on the extent of growth, but did not affect daytime temperatures. This was due to changes in LCZ anthropogenic heating rates and sky view factors which were most noticeable during early nighttime hours, consistent with atmospheric heat island behavior. Predicted 2-m relative humidity and 10-m wind speeds changed minimally.


使用 LCZ 和城市冠层建模来评估城市增长对盐湖谷气象条件的影响

城市冠层模型 (UCM) 可用于在中尺度上表示城市特征,而无需考虑单个建筑物的影响。使用两个气象站在 2019 年夏季为期一周的测量结果,对大盐湖城地区 (GSLA) 验证了基于 WRF 的单层城市冠层模型 (SLUCM)。基于当前 GSLA 属性开发的基线模型使用诺亚陆地表面模型、SLUCM 和基于 WUDAPT 当地气候区 (LCZ) 的精细城市分类产生了可接受的预测和计算时间。使用测量的气象数据验证基线模型,并清楚地显示昼夜加热模式。通过修改 GSLA 不同部分的 LCZ 来定义代表数十年增长的三种情景。与基线值相比,结果显示,城市密度的增加使当地夜间温度升高了 5-10°C,具体取决于增长的程度,但不影响白天温度。这是由于 LCZ 人为加热速率和天空景观因素的变化,这些变化在夜间最为明显,与大气热岛行为一致。预测的 2 米相对湿度和 10 米风速变化最小。