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Effect of high solids loading on gas–liquid mass transfer in an oscillatory flow reactor for process intensification
Chemical Engineering Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2024.120600
F. Almeida , F. Castro , J.A. Teixeira , F. Rocha , A. Ferreira

A wide range of chemical processes involves three phases, where common systems have inefficient mixing and mass transfer is limited. This study uses the oscillatory flow reactor with smooth periodic constrictions (OFR-SPC) according to the patent EP3057694 (B1) to evaluate its potential on O mass transfer at high solids loading (10–50 % (v/v)). For that, the effect of solids (EPS, PVC) properties (concentration, density, and size) on the performance of the volumetric liquid-side mass transfer coefficient (), gas holdup () and Sauter mean bubble diameter () using several operational conditions (oscillation amplitude and frequency, superficial gas velocity) was assessed. Results show that oscillatory conditions can influence the solids effect on . At solid load ( 30 % (v/v)) under low oscillations, decreased, and increased, slug flow regime emerged and the OFR-SPC behaved as fixed bed reactor. Contrary, no significant influence of solid properties on , and was observed at higher oscillations, where the reactor behaved as fluidized bed in a homogeneous flow regime. Notably, solids’ concentration (<30 % (v/v)), size and density revealed a negligible influence on mass transfer for all range of oscillations, contrary to the widespread consensus where tends to decrease in conventional reactors at lower solid’s load (<15 % (v/v)), making the OFR-SPC a valuable resource for catalytic processes. The OFR-SPC demonstrated higher mass transfer rates (∼3 − fold) than conventional multiphase devices with reasonable power consumption (∼100 W/m(−|-)). These are remarkable results, which indicate the OFR-SPC for three-phase industrial processes intensification.



广泛的化学过程涉及三个阶段,其中常见系统的混合效率低下,传质受到限制。本研究使用根据专利 EP3057694 (B1) 的具有平滑周期性收缩的振荡流反应器 (OFR-SPC) 来评估其在高固体负载 (10–50% (v/v)) 下 O 传质的潜力。为此,使用多种操作方法,研究固体(EPS、PVC)特性(浓度、密度和尺寸)对体积液体侧传质系数 ()、持气率 () 和索特平均气泡直径 () 性能的影响评估条件(振荡幅度和频率、表观气体速度)。结果表明,振荡条件可以影响 上的固体效应。在固体负载(30%(v/v))下,在低振荡、减少和增加下,出现段塞流状态,并且 OFR-SPC 表现为固定床反应器。相反,在较高的振荡下观察到固体性质对 和 没有显着影响,其中反应器在均匀流动状态下表现为流化床。值得注意的是,固体浓度(<30%(v/v))、尺寸和密度表明,对于所有振荡范围,对传质的影响可以忽略不计,这与广泛的共识相反,在较低固体负载下,传统反应器往往会减少(< 15 % (v/v)),使 OFR-SPC 成为催化过程的宝贵资源。 OFR-SPC 表现出比传统多相装置更高的传质速率(∼3 − 倍),且功耗合理(∼100 W/m(−|-))。这些都是显着的结果,表明 OFR-SPC 用于三相工业过程强化。