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Learnings from up-scaling CO2 capture: Challenges and experiences with pilot work
Chemical Engineering Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2024.120576
Sai Hema Bhavya Vinjarapu , Isaac Appelquist Løge , Randi Neerup , Anders Hellerup Larsen , Valdemar Emil Rasmussen , Jens Kristian Jørsboe , Sebastian Nis Bay Villadsen , Søren Jensen , Jakob Lindkvist Karlsson , Jannik Kappel , Henrik Lassen , Peter Blinksbjerg , Nicolas von Solms , Philip Loldrup Fosbøl

Large-scale reduction of greenhouse gasses is necessary to abate the climate crisis, for which technological development will pave the way. Advancing research from academia to industry is crucial for technological progress. Pilot scale studies are the intermediate step from bench to industry. New challenges arise during technology upscaling, many of which have not been previously described in the literature. This article provides a guide of the do's and don'ts to researchers venturing into pilot work. The learnings and experiences gained by working with pilot-scale CO capture plant are presented and discussed. This work outlines the process challenges encountered during the commissioning and operation of a CO capture pilot using 30 wt% MEA and with a capacity to capture one tonne CO/day from flue gas. Conducting pilot work in industrial facilities and outside controlled lab environments comes with unexpected problems. The issues faced during our pilot work are presented along with troubleshooting strategies and possible solutions. This work can aid researchers in identifying and rectifying operational challenges and conducting successful pilot campaigns.



大规模减少温室气体排放对于缓解气候危机是必要的,而技术发展将为之铺平道路。将研究从学术界推进到工业界对于技术进步至关重要。中试规模研究是从实验室到工业化的中间步骤。技术升级过程中出现了新的挑战,其中许多挑战以前在文献中没有描述过。本文为尝试开展试点工作的研究人员提供了注意事项指南。介绍并讨论了与中试规模二氧化碳捕集工厂合作所获得的经验教训。这项工作概述了使用 30 wt% MEA 且能够每天从烟气中捕集一吨 CO 的 CO 捕集试点的调试和运行过程中遇到的工艺挑战。在工业设施和外部受控实验室环境中进行试点工作会带来意想不到的问题。我们介绍了试点工作中遇到的问题以及故障排除策略和可能的解决方案。这项工作可以帮助研究人员识别和纠正操作挑战并开展成功的试点活动。