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Study of the kurtoses transmission of linear structures under multiple correlated stationary non-Gaussian random loadings using the high-order spectrum method
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2024.111811
Song Cui , Liguo Zang , Lei Hong , Yuxing Bai

The kurtoses of stress responses have significant influences on the fatigue life of in-service structures. To estimate the potential fatigue damage based on excitation information, the kurtoses transmission through linear structures have been studied. However, much of the research up to now has been restricted on the single-input dynamic models. The transmission of kurtosis from multiple input forces to stress responses is rarely examined, particularly the role of input correlation in this process. To address this gap, the paper proposes a mathematical model of response kurtoses of a dynamic system under multiple stationary non-Gaussian excitations. High-order spectrum theory is employed and extended to estimate both the raw and the mixed moments of response components. Based on the moment estimation method, the response kurtosis is formulated with inputs and system parameters. To verify the model, several numerical examples are provided. The kurtoses transmission evolution brought by the input correlation situations is investigated with the examples. The study finds that setting the phase of the cross-power spectral density of multi-excitation forces to zero can slightly increase the kurtosis of the response, while adjusting the coherence coefficient of the cross-power spectral density of the excitation forces can significantly alter the kurtosis of the response. As the structural damping decreases, the adjustment effect of phase and coherence coefficient on the kurtosis of structural response will weaken. Finally, an experiment is carried out for a further verification on a cantilever beam. Both the numerical and the experimental examples show that the proposed mathematical model is feasible and of high accuracy.


