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Universal cold RNA phase transitions
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-16 , DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2408313121
Paolo Rissone 1 , Aurélien Severino 1 , Isabel Pastor 1 , Felix Ritort 1, 2

RNA’s diversity of structures and functions impacts all life forms since primordia. We use calorimetric force spectroscopy to investigate RNA folding landscapes in previously unexplored low-temperature conditions. We find that Watson–Crick RNA hairpins, the most basic secondary structure elements, undergo a glass-like transition below T G 20 ° C where the heat capacity abruptly changes and the RNA folds into a diversity of misfolded structures. We hypothesize that an altered RNA biochemistry, determined by sequence-independent ribose–water interactions, outweighs sequence-dependent base pairing. The ubiquitous ribose–water interactions lead to universal RNA phase transitions below T G , such as maximum stability at T S 5 ° C where water density is maximum, and cold denaturation at T C 50 ° C. RNA cold biochemistry may have a profound impact on RNA function and evolution.


通用冷 RNA 相变

RNA 结构和功能的多样性影响着自原基以来的所有生命形式。我们使用量热力光谱来研究先前未探索的低温条件下的 RNA 折叠景观。我们发现沃森-克里克 RNA 发夹(最基本的二级结构元素)在 TG ~ 20°C 以下经历玻璃样转变,其中热容突然变化,RNA 折叠成多种错误折叠结构。我们假设,由序列无关的核糖-水相互作用决定的 RNA 生物化学改变超过了序列依赖的碱基配对。普遍存在的核糖-水相互作用导致普遍的RNA相变低于TG,例如在水密度最大的TS~5°C下达到最大稳定性,以及在TC~−50°C下冷变性。RNA冷生物化学可能会产生深远的影响RNA功能和进化。