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Reflections on decolonizing truth-telling in the writing of Behrouz Boochani
Journal of Sociology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-16 , DOI: 10.1177/14407833241266016
Karen Berger 1

This article investigates former asylum seeker, Kurdish-Iranian Behrouz Boochani's efforts to decolonize truth-telling, especially in his prize-winning novel, No Friend but the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison, in which he theorizes direct links between the colonization of Indigenous Australians and Australia's treatment of refugees. No Friend but the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison both has borders as a theme and crosses borders by utilizing disparate literary forms to great effect. I explore truth-telling in Boochani's work through the lenses of border thinking, as theorized by Gloria Anzaldúa and Walter Mignolo, and heterotopia (other-place), as theorized by Michel Foucault. Boochani describes himself as ‘A shepherd who reads Foucault’, and states that it is possible to ‘examine Manus Prison using a Foucauldian framework and apply his philosophical critique of the prison, the mental asylum and psychology.’ Border and heterotopic thinking both provide powerful tools to critique institutionalized power structures and explore understandings and approaches towards decolonization.


对贝鲁兹·布哈尼 (Behrouz Boochani) 作品中非殖民化讲真话的思考

本文调查了前寻求庇护者、库尔德裔伊朗人贝赫鲁兹·布查尼 (Behrouz Boochani) 为讲真话去殖民化所做的努力,特别是在他的获奖小说《除了山没有朋友:来自马努斯监狱的写作》中,他在书中理论化了澳大利亚原住民殖民化之间的直接联系以及澳大利亚对待难民的方式。 《除了山没有朋友:马努斯监狱的写作》既以边界为主题,又跨越边界,利用不同的文学形式取得了巨大的效果。我通过边界思维(格洛丽亚·安扎杜阿和沃尔特·米尼奥洛的理论)和异托邦(异地)(米歇尔·福柯的理论)的视角来探索布查尼作品中的真相讲述。布查尼将自己描述为“阅读福柯的牧羊人”,并指出“使用福柯的框架来审视马努斯监狱,并应用他对监狱、精神病院和心理学的哲学批判”是可能的。边界和异位思维都为批判制度化权力结构和探索非殖民化的理解和方法提供了有力的工具。