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Reckonings with truth: Sovereign truths on Country
Journal of Sociology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-16 , DOI: 10.1177/14407833241266017
Vanessa Barolsky 1

This article analyses grassroots truth-telling in Australia, in the light of the 2017 Uluru Statement's call for a Makarrata Commission to oversee truth-telling and treaty. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have long called for truth-telling about the colonial past. Numerous community projects have emerged to engage with these historical truths. However, few of these initiatives have been documented. This article analyses a small sample of these projects, drawing on case study research. It argues that these activities, grounded in Indigenous onto-epistemology, offer unique opportunities to explore the decolonising potential of truth-telling. These truth practices defy the eliminatory logic of settler colonialism, creating spaces for pedagogic encounter that trouble the settler-colonial order by enacting multiple sovereignties on Country. Importantly, they provide insights for formal truth-telling, modelling resurgent, prefigurative praxis that incorporates Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in transformative processes that could help navigate the challenges of transitional justice in the settler-colonial context.



本文根据 2017 年乌鲁鲁声明呼吁成立马卡拉塔委员会来监督真相讲述和条约,分析了澳大利亚的草根真相讲述情况。原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民社区长期以来一直呼吁讲述殖民历史的真相。许多社区项目的出现都是为了探讨这些历史真相。然而,这些举措很少被记录下来。本文利用案例研究分析了这些项目的一小部分样本。它认为,这些以土著本体认识论为基础的活动为探索说真话的非殖民化潜力提供了独特的机会。这些真相实践违背了定居者殖民主义的消除逻辑,为教育遭遇创造了空间,通过对国家实行多重主权来扰乱定居者殖民秩序。重要的是,它们为正式的讲真话、建模复兴、象征性实践提供了见解,将土著和非土著澳大利亚人纳入变革过程,有助于应对定居者殖民地背景下过渡正义的挑战。