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Journal of business venturing 2023 year in review: The year of the whole-person entrepreneur
Journal of Business Venturing ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2024.106434
Angelique Slade Shantz , Jeffery S. McMullen

This editorial reflects on a strong recurring theme noticed when evaluating the JBV publications of 2023 (Volume 38, Issues 1–6) for the annual best paper award. We refer to this theme as “whole-person entrepreneurship”, i.e., how does the who of entrepreneurship shape the what of entrepreneurship. It consists of articles that sought an understanding of entrepreneurs as children, mothers, spouses, religious believers, political beings, hobbyists, victims, and community-members. These articles revealed how an understanding of who “else” entrepreneurs are (other than some role or function) had much to teach about what entrepreneurs do as well as how, why, where, and when they do it. In the following editorial, we offer some evidence for this observation, provide explanation for how the field may have arrived at this “humanistic turn”, and articulate some ways in which it this humanistic turn might shape scholarship in entrepreneurship going forward.



这篇社论反映了在评估 2023 年 JBV 出版物(第 38 卷,第 1-6 期)年度最佳论文奖时注意到的一个强烈的反复出现的主题。我们将这一主题称为“全人创业”,即创业者如何塑造创业者的内容。它包含的文章寻求将企业家理解为儿童、母亲、配偶、宗教信徒、政治人物、业余爱好者、受害者和社区成员。这些文章揭示了了解“其他”企业家是谁(除了某些角色或职能)对于企业家做什么以及如何、为什么、在哪里以及何时做有很多帮助。在下面的社论中,我们为这一观察提供了一些证据,解释了该领域如何实现这种“人文主义转向”,并阐明了这种人文主义转向可能塑造未来创业学术的一些方式。