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Global seroprevalence and factors associated with seropositivity for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) in cats: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Preventive Veterinary Medicine ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2024.106315
José Artur Brilhante Bezerra 1 , Clécio Henrique Limeira 1 , Ana Carolina Pontes de Miranda Maranhão 2 , João Marcelo Azevedo de Paula Antunes 2 , Sérgio Santos de Azevedo 1

The feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a retrovirus of the genus, distributed worldwide, that causes persistent infection with a significant impact on the cats’ health. Due to the importance of this infection in feline medicine, this pioneering study aimed to obtain an integrated estimate of the global seroprevalence of FIV in cats and to characterize the factors associated with this infection. Four electronic databases were screened for observational studies with FIV seroprevalence in cats published globally for this systematic review and meta-analysis. The initial search method returned 873 studies, of which 113 met all predefined criteria and were therefore included in this review. Meta-analysis with general data was performed, and a combined global seropositivity of 9.43 % (95 % CI: 8.24 % – 10.78 %) was found. Seropositivity was 14.34 % (95 % CI = 10.92 % – 18.61 %) in Asia, 11.90 % (95 % CI = 9.82 % – 14.34 %) in Oceania, 10.90 % (95 % CI = 5.71 % – 19.82 %) in Central America, 9.43 % (95 % CI = 6.95 % – 12.66 %) in South America, 9 % (95 % CI = 0 – 80 %) in Africa, 8.98 % (95 % CI = 7.31 % – 10.98 %) in Europe, and 5.93 % (95 % CI = 4.33 % – 8.07 %) in North America. Meta-analysis of factors associated with seropositivity demonstrated that FIV seroprevalence was higher in male (Prevalence ratio [PR] = 2.53, 95 % CI = 2.16 – 2.95), adult (PR = 2.83, 95 % CI = 2.24 – 3.56), unowned status (PR = 1.47, 95 % CI = 1.07 – 2.03), sick status (PR = 2.46, 95 % CI = 1.97 – 3.06), and cats with outdoor access (PR = 4.38, 95 % CI = 2.26 – 8.47). The results demonstrated that FIV is globally distributed and has a high seroprevalence in some geographical areas. Information compiled from this research is relevant to understanding the worldwide epidemiology of FIV. It presents the potential to contribute to the planning of strategies focused on controlling and reducing cases in cat populations.


猫中猫免疫缺陷病毒 (FIV) 的全球血清流行率和与血清阳性相关的因素:系统评价和荟萃分析

猫免疫缺陷病毒(FIV)是该属的一种逆转录病毒,分布于世界各地,会引起持续感染,对猫的健康产生重大影响。由于这种感染在猫科动物医学中的重要性,这项开创性的研究旨在对猫中 FIV 的全球血清流行率进行综合估计,并描述与这种感染相关的因素。筛选了四个电子数据库,进行全球发表的猫 FIV 血清阳性率观察研究,以进行系统评价和荟萃分析。最初的搜索方法返回了 873 项研究,其中 113 项符合所有预定义标准,因此纳入本次综述。对一般数据进行荟萃分析,发现总体综合血清阳性率为 9.43%(95% CI:8.24% – 10.78%)。亚洲的血清阳性率为 14.34 % (95 % CI = 10.92 % – 18.61 %),大洋洲为 11.90 % (95 % CI = 9.82 % – 14.34 %),中美洲为 10.90 % (95 % CI = 5.71 % – 19.82 %) ,南美洲为 9.43 % (95 % CI = 6.95 % – 12.66 %),非洲为 9 % (95 % CI = 0 – 80 %),欧洲为 8.98 % (95 % CI = 7.31 % – 10.98 %),以及北美为 5.93 % (95 % CI = 4.33 % – 8.07 %)。与血清阳性相关因素的荟萃分析表明,FIV 血清阳性率在男性(患病率 [PR] = 2.53,95 % CI = 2.16 – 2.95)、成人(PR = 2.83,95 % CI = 2.24 – 3.56)、无主者中较高状态(PR = 1.47,95 % CI = 1.07 – 2.03)、患病状态(PR = 2.46,95 % CI = 1.97 – 3.06)以及户外活动的猫(PR = 4.38,95 % CI = 2.26 – 8.47)。结果表明,FIV 在全球范围内分布,并且在某些地理区域具有较高的血清流行率。本研究收集的信息有助于了解 FIV 的全球流行病学。 它具有为重点控制和减少猫种群病例的战略规划做出贡献的潜力。