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Monte Carlo simulation analysis of radiation attenuation properties induced by arsenic accumulation in femur and tibia bones of rats exposed to sodium arsenite diet
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.112114
Yasin Gökçe , Ferdi Akman , Özge Kılıçoğlu , Yiğit Ali Üncü , Hasan Özdoğan

The study aims to investigate the effect of sodium arsenite (NaAsO) on radiation permeability in biological tissues of rats, challenging existing literature claims about NaAsO's influence on the density of bones. The motivation is determining whether exposure alters radiation permeability within a defined range of radiological energy. Should any changes be observed, radiation protection guidelines may necessitate the use of lower energy levels in imaging procedures involving such exposure. This consideration is vital for ensuring adherence to radiation safety standards, particularly in medical imaging, where minimizing patient and operator exposure to radiation is paramount. In this study, rats were divided into two groups: a control group and a NaAsO-treated group. After the treatment period, these animals were euthanized to collect their femurs and tibias for further analysis. The elemental composition of these bones was then meticulously examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), enhanced by Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDX). Monte Carlo Simulation codes of MCNP6 and PHITS 3.22 were used for investigate photon induced interactions. These powerful tools allowed us to assess the gamma-ray attenuation properties of the collected samples. For an accurate comparison and analysis, we referred to the NIST database using the WinXCom program. Furthermore, the study explored the effects of charged particles on the bone samples, employing the SRIM code for this purpose. This part of the research was crucial to understanding the interactions at a more detailed level. We calculated the photon attenuation parameters for radiological energies up to 0.5 MeV and also investigated the interactions of charged particles with energies as high as 15 MeV. In groups treated with NaAsO, while there is less reduction in mass attenuation coefficients, larger differences have been observed in linear attenuation coefficients. Notably, a decrease in the linear attenuation coefficient has been observed in the NaAs Tibia group. The application of sodium arsenite (NaAsO) results in a reduction in the Linear Attenuation Coefficient, necessitating a detailed investigation to determine whether this decrease also affects the Hounsfield unit, in accordance with the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle that guides radiation safety protocols.



该研究旨在研究亚砷酸钠 (NaAsO) 对大鼠生物组织辐射渗透性的影响,挑战现有文献中有关 NaAsO 对骨密度影响的说法。其动机是确定暴露是否会改变放射能量限定范围内的辐射渗透性。如果观察到任何变化,辐射防护指南可能需要在涉及此类暴露的成像过程中使用较低的能量水平。这种考虑对于确保遵守辐射安全标准至关重要,特别是在医学成像领域,最大限度地减少患者和操作员的辐射暴露至关重要。在这项研究中,大鼠被分为两组:对照组和 NaAsO 处理组。治疗期结束后,对这些动物实施安乐死,收集其股骨和胫骨进行进一步分析。然后使用扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 仔细检查这些骨骼的元素组成,并通过能量色散 X 射线光谱 (EDX) 进行增强。 MCNP6 和 PHITS 3.22 的蒙特卡罗模拟代码用于研究光子诱导的相互作用。这些强大的工具使我们能够评估所收集样本的伽马射线衰减特性。为了进行准确的比较和分析,我们使用WinXCom程序参考了NIST数据库。此外,该研究还利用 SRIM 代码探讨了带电粒子对骨骼样本的影响。这部分研究对于更详细地理解相互作用至关重要。我们计算了高达 0.5 MeV 的放射能量的光子衰减参数,并研究了能量高达 15 MeV 的带电粒子的相互作用。 在用 NaAsO 处理的组中,虽然质量衰减系数减少较少,但线性衰减系数观察到较大差异。值得注意的是,在 NaAs Tibia 组中观察到线性衰减系数下降。亚砷酸钠 (NaAsO) 的应用会导致线性衰减系数降低,因此需要根据指导辐射安全的 ALARA(合理实现尽可能低)原则进行详细调查,以确定这种降低是否也会影响 Hounsfield 装置协议。