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Influence of gamma-ray irradiation on polystyrene food container weathering
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.112084
Luis A. Val-Félix , Tomas J. Madera-Santana , Dora E. Rodríguez Félix , Rodrigo Melendrez-Amavizca , Patricia Quintana-Owen , Herlinda Soto-Valdez , Guillermo Martínez-Colunga

Conventional plastics, such as polystyrene (PS), are widely used due to their high degradation stability, which makes them suitable for various applications. However, the downside of this property is that it results in the persistence of these plastics in the environment, contributing to plastic pollution. This paper investigated the effects of gamma-ray irradiation on the mechanical, optical, structural, thermal, and morphological properties of PS food containers subjected to natural (NW) and artificial weathering (AW). First, the PS films were exposed to a source of Co-γ at doses of 0, 10, and 45 kGy, and then they were subjected to NW for 0–190 days and AW for 0–500 h. The mechanical properties of the PS films (tensile strength and elongation at break) were evaluated under NW and AW conditions, revealing an acceleration factor (AF) ranging from 3.8 to 6.2. According to the results, gamma-irradiation had a complex and uneven effect on the physicochemical properties of the weathered PS films. The type of weathering and conditions under which the exposures were performed, in conjunction with the irradiation doses, provided a comprehensive analysis of the effects of gamma-ray irradiation on PS food containers. These results are relevant for extending PS food containers' longevity rather than increasing their degradation.



传统塑料,如聚苯乙烯(PS),由于其高降解稳定性而被广泛使用,这使得它们适用于各种应用。然而,这种特性的缺点是它会导致这些塑料在环境中持久存在,从而导致塑料污染。本文研究了伽马射线照射对自然风化 (NW) 和人工风化 (AW) 的 PS 食品容器的机械、光学、结构、热和形态特性的影响。首先,将 PS 薄膜暴露于剂量为 0、10 和 45 kGy 的 Co-γ 源中,然后将其置于 NW 0-190 天和 AW 0-500 小时。在 NW 和 AW 条件下评估 PS 薄膜的机械性能(拉伸强度和断裂伸长率),得出加速因子 (AF) 范围为 3.8 至 6.2。结果表明,伽马射线照射对风化PS薄膜的理化性能产生复杂且不均匀的影响。风化类型和进行暴露的条件,以及辐照剂量,提供了伽马射线辐照对 PS 食品容器影响的综合分析。这些结果与延长 PS 食品容器的使用寿命有关,而不是增加其降解。