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EU-US data transfers: an enduring challenge for health research collaborations
npj Digital Medicine ( IF 12.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-16 , DOI: 10.1038/s41746-024-01205-6
Teodora Lalova-Spinks 1, 2 , Peggy Valcke 2 , John P A Ioannidis 3 , Isabelle Huys 1

EU-US data transfers for health research remain a particularly thorny issue in view of the stringent rules of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the challenges related to US mass surveillance programs, particularly the manner in which US law enforcement and national security agencies can access personal data originating from the EU. Since the entry into force of the GDPR, evidence of impeded collaborations is increasing, particularly in the case of sharing data with US public institutions. The adoption of a new EU-US adequacy decision in July 2023 does not hold the promise for a long-lasting solution due to the risks of being challenged and invalidated – yet again – at the Court of Justice of the EU. As the research community is calling for answers, the new proposal for a European Health Data Space regulation may hold a key to solving some of the existing issues. In this paper, we critically discuss the current rules and outline a possible way forward for transfers between public bodies.



鉴于欧盟通用数据保护条例 (GDPR) 的严格规定以及与美国大规模监控计划相关的挑战,尤其是美国执法和国家安全的方式,欧盟与美国之间用于健康研究的数据传输仍然是一个特别棘手的问题。机构可以访问源自欧盟的个人数据。自 GDPR 生效以来,合作受阻的证据越来越多,特别是在与美国公共机构共享数据的情况下。由于存在再次在欧盟法院受到质疑和无效的风险,2023 年 7 月通过的新的欧盟-美国充分性决定并不能带来长期解决方案的承诺。随着研究界寻求答案,欧洲健康数据空间监管的新提案可能是解决一些现有问题的关键。在本文中,我们批判性地讨论了现行规则,并概述了公共机构之间转移的可能的前进方向。
