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Mapping safe drinking water use in low- and middle-income countries
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-15 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adh9578
Esther E Greenwood 1, 2 , Thomas Lauber 1 , Johan van den Hoogen 1 , Ayca Donmez 3 , Robert E S Bain 3, 4 , Richard Johnston 5 , Thomas W Crowther 1 , Timothy R Julian 2, 6, 7

Safe drinking water access is a human right, but data on safely managed drinking water services (SMDWS) is lacking for more than half of the global population. We estimate SMDWS use in 135 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) at subnational levels with a geospatial modeling approach, combining existing household survey data with available global geospatial datasets. We estimate that only one in three people used SMDWS in LMICs in 2020 and identified fecal contamination as the primary limiting factor affecting almost half of the population of LMICs. Our results are relevant for raising awareness about the challenges and limitations of current global monitoring approaches and demonstrating how globally available geospatial data can be leveraged to fill data gaps and identify priority areas in LMICs.



获得安全饮用水是一项人权,但全球一半以上的人口缺乏安全管理饮用水服务 (SMDWS) 的数据。我们利用地理空间建​​模方法,将现有的家庭调查数据与可用的全球地理空间数据集相结合,估计了 135 个低收入和中等收入国家 (LMIC) 在国家以下各级的 SMDWS 使用情况。我们估计,2020 年中低收入国家中只有三分之一的人使用 SMDWS,并确定粪便污染是影响中低收入国家近一半人口的主要限制因素。我们的结果有助于提高人们对当前全球监测方法的挑战和局限性的认识,并展示如何利用全球可用的地理空间数据来填补数据空白并确定中低收入国家的优先领域。