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Anomalous normal-state gap in an electron-doped cuprate
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-15 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adk4792
Ke-Jun Xu 1, 2, 3 , Junfeng He 1, 2, 4 , Su-Di Chen 1, 2, 3, 5 , Yu He 6 , Sebastien N Abadi 1, 2, 7 , Costel R Rotundu 1, 2 , Young S Lee 1, 2, 3 , Dong-Hui Lu 8 , Qinda Guo 9 , Oscar Tjernberg 9 , Thomas P Devereaux 1, 2, 10 , Dung-Hai Lee 5, 11 , Makoto Hashimoto 8 , Zhi-Xun Shen 1, 2, 3, 7

In the underdoped n-type cuprate Nd 2- x Ce x CuO 4 , long-range antiferromagnetic order reconstructs the Fermi surface, resulting in a putative antiferromagnetic metal with small Fermi pockets. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we observe an anomalous energy gap, an order of magnitude smaller than the antiferromagnetic gap, in a wide portion of the underdoped regime and smoothly connecting to the superconducting gap at optimal doping. After considering all the known ordering tendencies in tandem with the phase diagram, we hypothesize that the normal-state gap in the underdoped n-type cuprates originates from Cooper pairing. The high temperature scale of the normal-state gap raises the prospect of engineering higher transition temperatures in the n-type cuprates comparable to those of the p-type cuprates.



在欠掺杂的n型铜酸盐Nd 2- x Ce x CuO 4 中,长程反铁磁序重构了费米表面,从而产生了具有小费米口袋的假定反铁磁金属。使用角分辨光电子能谱,我们在欠掺杂区域的很大一部分中观察到异常能隙,其数量级比反铁磁能隙小一个数量级,并且在最佳掺杂时平滑地连接到超导能隙。在结合相图考虑所有已知的有序趋势后,我们假设欠掺杂 n 型铜酸盐中的正常态间隙源自库珀配对。正常态能隙的高温范围提高了在n型铜酸盐中设计与p型铜酸盐相当的更高转变温度的前景。