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Biospecimen research and the law
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-15 , DOI: 10.1126/science.ads3190
Timothy D Dye 1 , Jerry A Menikoff 2

In the well-known case of Henrietta Lacks, cells from her tumor were taken without consent and used more than 70 years ago to create the first immortal human cell line (“HeLa” cells). That event led to many scientific breakthroughs and to the debate about the ethics of consent and requirements for compensation. May 2024 saw two decisions by US federal courts—one related to Lacks—that could narrow the scope of research allowed on tissues obtained without consent and on nonidentified tissues, with implications for biomedicine.



在著名的 Henrietta Lacks 案例中,70 多年前,未经同意就从她的肿瘤细胞中提取了细胞,用于创建第一个永生的人类细胞系(“HeLa”细胞)。该事件带来了许多科学突破,并引发了关于同意的道德和赔偿要求的辩论。 2024 年 5 月,美国联邦法院做出了两项裁决(其中一项与 Lacks 有关),这两项裁决可能会缩小对未经同意获得的组织和未经识别的组织进行研究的范围,这对生物医学产生影响。