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Consumers' purchase behavior of Cradle to Cradle Certified® products—The role of trust and supply chain transparency
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-16 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3919
Svenja Damberg 1, 2 , Ulla A. Saari 3 , Morgane Fritz 4 , Vytaute Dlugoborskyte 2 , Katerina Božič 5

Consumers' trust in eco‐labels is declining due to the growing number of different kinds of eco‐labels that can be uncertified and related to greenwashing. This paper argues that providing more transparency regarding green supply chains (GSCs) through eco‐labels (such as Cradle to Cradle Certified®) is critical for creating trust and convincing consumers to buy eco‐products over conventional ones. Building on previous literature related to sustainable consumption behavior, green purchasing behavior, Cradle to Cradle certification and GSC management, we develop and test a conceptual model to empirically investigate the links between consumers' trust in eco‐product labels and GSC perceptions in influencing green purchase behavior (GPB) in the case of eco‐friendly fast‐moving consumer goods (FMCGs). By studying a sample of 276 German consumers and applying structural equation modeling, we find that the trust in eco‐product labels and positive perceptions of GSCs are important drivers of GPB. Our research contributes by expanding the knowledge on the factors influencing the acceptance of eco‐products, highlighting the importance of supply chain transparency and trust in GSCs among consumers. We discuss theoretical implications for green product innovation and marketing including eco‐product labeling based on transparent GSCs.


消费者对 Cradle to Cradle Certified® 产品的购买行为——信任和供应链透明度的作用

由于未经认证且与“漂绿”相关的不同种类的生态标签数量不断增加,消费者对生态标签的信任度正在下降。本文认为,通过生态标签(例如从摇篮到摇篮认证®)提高绿色供应链(GSC)的透明度对于建立信任并说服消费者购买生态产品而不是传统产品至关重要。基于先前有关可持续消费行为、绿色购买行为、从摇篮到摇篮认证和 GSC 管理的文献,我们开发并测试了一个概念模型,以实证研究消费者对生态产品标签的信任与 GSC 影响绿色购买的看法之间的联系环保快速消费品(FMCG)的行为(GPB)。通过研究 276 名德国消费者样本并应用结构方程模型,我们发现对生态产品标签的信任和对 GSC 的积极认知是 GPB 的重要驱动因素。我们的研究扩展了对影响生态产品接受度的因素的了解,强调了供应链透明度和消费者对 GSC 信任的重要性。我们讨论了绿色产品创新和营销的理论意义,包括基于透明 GSC 的生态产品标签。